Linibian History


18315 BB to 17774 BB

The Linibian States were founded during the Dawn Times, a homeland for a new race created by The Source, the Halflings.

War of Undying

17774 BB to 16046 BB

Nobody escaped involvement in the War of Undying. Even distant lands, such as Linibi, sent every available person to fight the undying hordes, and what few remained were constantly beset fighting smaller hordes serving under the many lieutenants of Lachendon.

Quiet Age

16045 BB to 4135 BB

The Linibian States have a slightly different view of what most of the world calls The Lost Times and Reconstruction. To the Halfling character so prevalent in these lands, the age is simply a quiet age, a time when nothing much, besides the daily work of husbandry of land and life, happened.

Friend Times

4135 BB to 1 BB

What many call the Kingdom Period, the people of the Linibian States call the "Friend Times" the age when they reconnected, finally, with their friends across the world, the last happy times before darkness returned.

The Traitor's War

TW 1 and Beyond

While the The Traitor's War was mostly confined to the continent of L'Ahr'Thresi, it affected the Linibian States due to the great friendships between the continents, and because the Linibian States became both refuge and recruiting grounds for the warring factions.


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