Linithian Cheese

This blue-yellow cheese is famous the world-over for it's unique structure which incorporates large voids generated during the late stage of production as some of the bacteria involved consume lactic acid created by other bacteria and produce carbon dioxide gas. These bubbles are called "knuckles" in common parlance, and if the cheese is formed without them it is called "Elbow" cheese. Despite the name, Linithian Cheese is not, generally, from the Linithia region of the Linibian States near the Korth Steppe on the continent of Linibi. The name is primarily used in the Lachendon Empire to refer to a wide variety of cheeses produced within that nation using techniques originally developed by settlers from Linithia during reconstruction prior to the Kingdom Period. In the Linibian States the cheese is still made in the Linithia region, but the voids are typically much smaller and more uniform, and the cheese is more of a red-white than the blue-yellow common in other parts of the world. Among true cheese connoisseurs, Linithian Cheese from Linithia is considered far superior to the products of the same name made elsewhere.



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