Major ages of Lia'Neir'Arathah

Lia'Neir'Aratha is an ancient world. The current age is not entirely certain as years were not counted often during the Dawn Times, but it is at least fifty thousand years since the creation of the The First of All and the birth of sapient life upon this world.

Dawn Times

... 21909 BE

Beginning with the creation of the world, a time so ancient that The Source alone knows the years. This was a time of immortal elves, powerful magics, the fires of creation, and only myths and legends survive. The beginning of War of Undying marks the end of the Dawn Times.

War of Undying

21909 BE to 20181 BE

Stretching over a period of 1728 years, the War of Undying began with the Betrayal Of The Blood when Lachendon slew the The First of All and their entire extended family, ending the Dawn Times. The war ended, finally, at the Battle of Hadrian's Crossing where The Dying staged their last stand, knowing they must fall, while Win'Siar'Fia sought after the Lich King's Phylactery. The hero succeeded, however, and while the forces of The Dying arrayed at that battle fell, the Lich King was finally defeated and the war ended, with a ruined and nearly emptied world left behind.

The Lost Times

20180 BE to 14500 BE

When the Lich King, Lachendon, was finally defeated at the end of the War of Undying, the world was nearly devoid of life, even plants and animals were wiped from almost half the land surface. The Lost Times began with the final retreat of the Elves to their last hidden citadel, and the departure of nearly all the remaining Druids to their lost refuge, and did not end until the first tentative work of reconstruction, led by the peoples of the Drakhul'Knaar who had managed to retain their capital city and a small region mostly hidden from the Undying Horde.


14500 BE to 8270 BE

Reconstruction began when the people of the Drakhul'Knaar emerged from their hidden mountain valley to offer seeds, knowledge, and support to the peoples then inhabiting the lands most devestated by the War of Undying. The Reconstruction ended with the Treaty of Brotherhood, signed on the 3rd of Glowing, 8,271 BE.

Kingdom Period

8271 BE to 4135 BE

After the War of Undying, after the Lost Times, the eight Genasi First Ones, nigh immortal, each gathered a portion of the surviving living ones and founded a kingdom. In time those kingdoms migrated and grew and began to occupy much of what later became the Lachendon Empire. Sometime around 8,500 BE peoples began to keep reliable records again and what is now called the Kingdom Period began.

The Traitor's War

4135 BE to 1 BE

The Traitor's War was begun many thousands of years after the end of the War of Undying at the battle of Hadrian's Crossing when the eight Genasi First Ones signed a treaty of brotherhood, for they were brothers, and founded eight kingdoms united in resettling the lands most devestated by that ancient war. It ended, a few thousand years later when the same eight Genasi Kings joined together for some purpose, and one among their number slew them all, bringing succession wars and myriad conflicts that lasted thousands of years, until it was finally ended by the Great Council of wizards and High Priests of The Source.

Lachendon Empire

EY 1 to EY 12572

The Lachendon Empire, ironically named after the horror that nearly destroyed all life and shattered the world 21 millennia before, occupied the lands most thoroughly stripped of life during the War of Undying. The empire stretched over a vast territory north of the Kingdoms of the Sands, west of the Goliant Waste and the Anaguana Desert, south of the Northern Wastes and stretching to the coast of the Telansari Ocean on the east. The Empire was born when the Great Council, the High Priests, and the Eight Kings gathered together nearly every great practitioner of magic, arcane or divine, to form the Great Ward of the Empire. The task took

After Restoration

EY 12573 and beyond

At the beginning of EY 12573, a small band of heroes, names etched in the histories of the world, undertook the final task of an epic quest begun almost two years before. This band of "Tourists" were Ankile, Jaharl, Jinora, Ludwig, Namur, The Unnamed, along with others who fell along the way, Brox, Dorchadas, Foryn, Mercy, Snowball, Thysan, Thamorin, Willam, and Bernadette. They somehow brought together the necesssary elements, and found the hidden truths, needed to truly destroy Lachendon, who had somehow returned after the destruction of its Phylactery three times. In that destruction the power of The Corruption over many was broken, the Great Ward of the Empire was destroyed, and The Eighth Kingdom restored. After that day, a new dawn of a new era, the world came to know true peace and prosperity, and the future of the world is bright indeed.


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