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Act 1, Scene 2, Shivvara Garri: Basement Level


Excavation a dozen or so years ago by PYRONTICUS EXPO and his skeletal minions. Prime purpose is to protect his equipment and fend off any intruders.   HE does not live here, but comes down from the tower to get materials for his experiments and summoning, and his dark magical doings.    
  A larger earthen throne room, completely contrived by Pyronticus Expo, but a bit hastily done. Ragged banners hung on walls, a long red carpet down the middle of the room to the throne
  • The throne is grand, stately, cleaner and more majestic than the trappings of the room. It sits on a dais at the far end of the room.
  • The dais is not touching the wall
  • The throne is actually A Micmic
  Two other chambers on each wall, left and right, doorways of iron-shod wood, in good shape
  • Iside these relatively narrow, earthen chambers are broad sarcophogi of rough black wood, with some kind of king or royalty within... Approach though, and see the SINSPAWN rise out and attack to the death...
  • They wear the remnants of the armnor and capes in the paintings
  • Entering the rooms will auto-trigger the creatuers to get up and attack
  [There is a strange black ear, one foot diameter, about human-head height... It pulses slightly, needs the passwords, "Go down to go up."]
  • DC20 to notice the sliding wall, or to see the loose brick (still need to give password)
  • DC30 to detect the inner hazard at this point
  • When Ear hears the password, one brick in the two layers can be pulled out
  • HAZARD immediately upon entering the east room, regardless: ELECTRIC ALCHEMICAL TRAP: opening the sliding door tips a glass of blue fizzy liquid into a sizzling yellow goop.
  • The result is a powerful electric discharge for anyone at or through the threshold of the room
  • Detect DC20; Disarm DC22 (thievery, expert: must jump through the opening and dive to spill the liquid elsewhere)
  • (counteract alchemical magic, dispel magic DC19)
  • result is 3d12 electricity damage (DC22 hasic reflex save)
  • Reach in and around and pull the lever, and entire wall section slides aside
  Web lurker (or 2) down the stairs from the Guard Room, will lurk in web just beyond the bottom of the stairs   Big room, organized with shelves containing jars and flasks and baggies and bags... Reagents all; no alchemical potions stored here... (ALL FOR 3rd LEVEL at the top of the TOWER)   Reagents for splodey powder:  
  • Blackened Thalas mashed with a demon's saliva, with pyroxin (below) sprinkled (not necessary, but makes it more potent)
  • makes a paste, dries crusty onto anything, then becomes a very potent explosive with a very delicate trigger
  • Blackened Thalus can only be gathered in an area already destroyed and blackenerd by the splodey-powder,
    bark from oak yields PYROXIN, scraped off of bark (two combine with one other reagent to make the powde more potent)...
  • Books on Shelf, a number of several-volume sets, and some single books, all in fairly good or better condition
    • THE ALCHEMISTS and THEIR TOOLS (4 volumes)
    • DEMONIC CREATURES: Rituals and Summoning (turns out pages are removed, except for "Demons of Flight:)
    • VARIOUS TEXTS ABOUT THE ABYSS, Based on Specific Levels
    • THE ABYSSAL: "THe complete book of the Beasts of Chaos"
    • THE DEMONIC ALCHMIST: A Reference Series
    • "Stories of the Abyss"
    Abyss General @items   Also a long counter with beakers and burners, with some black residue spilled about... Mostly the room is clean   Oaken, Iron-Shod Door, Heavy and Latched Through the Door: Steep Stairs on the east end of the rooms, headed East Straught up to the first level of the tower   The Tower of Pyronticus Explo   SIDE QUESTS @side


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