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Act 1, Scene 2, Shivvara Garri: The Tower of Pyronticus Explo

  Up the stairs from the basement level, comes out in Pyronticus's living space, well furnished
[A winding steel-railed staircase goes up from the floor of this room]   ALCHEMICAL ITEMS IN THIS ROOM ALSO (see below)
  • a velvet recliner (fabric slightly worn)
  • a black, oaken table with two bottles and a ceramic flagon, [beer] still fizzing within
  • a wash-basin and tub, and fireplace (chimney on the north end of the towere)
  • Comfortable bed with purple velvet covers and fluffy pillows in purple Cases
  • A rack for black robes and black shirts and smocks (most of them stained, some horribly)
  • A pair of sturdy black-leather boots (look newer)
  • A cupboard with black and purple hardtack
  • In cupboard, seventeen bottles of [beer]
  • A cistern depressed in the far end of the room, more like a well
  • two feathered caps, with raven feathers
  • Purple tapestries with Archanic signs and symbols, demonic; but also old elven tapestries of forest and nature scenes (beautiful!)
  • one larger cupboard, mounted on the wall (high)... with ladder leaned against the wall
  ALCHEMICAL TREASURE IN THIS ROOM (SOME OF THIS HERE, SOME on LEVEL 13, way up)   Belladonna (2 doses) p.551: > interact (5 gp): Save FORT DC19; Onset 10 minutes; Mac Duration 30 minutes; Stage 1: Dazzled (10 min Stage 2: 1d6b dam + sickened 1 (10 min Stage 3: 1d6 damage + confused and sickened (1 min).   Silvertongue (2 doses) > interact (lvl, lvl 3, moderate,12gp): Features become striking, voice beautiful, commanding, although facts and figures and reason become cloudy and hazy. Gain +2 to Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, and Performance. Crit failures become failures instead.   Winter Wolf Elixir > interact (lvl 4, lesser, 15gp): Warms core, increases circulation, protected from the effects of sever cold for 24 hours.   "Sludge" (Gjikk'fuzk in Goblin: "Barf the Octopus")... tastes like dark chocolate, but slightly fishy and a little wriggly... drink > casts GRIM TENDRILS within 1d4 rounds. Tendrils are barfed up by tthe drinker....GRIM TENDRILS, (Area 30’ line; Save Fortitude): Tendrils of darkness unfurl from your throat and race through the air, dealing 4d4 negative damage and 2 persistent bleed damage to all creatures in line. Save:
  • Crit Succ: Creature unaffected //
  • Success: Half the negative damage and no persistent //
  • Fail: Creature takes full damage //
  • Crit Fail: Double negative and double persistent.
  • One level for waking the dead (and skeleton guards), fully bare except for a black (hole? circle of deep black paint), and a black wooden lever with an ivory carved skill, up from the floor 5' high, on the far edge (can raise the dead?):
  • They stand still in the middle of the room, weapons at their sides... animate up above and head down stairs at pc's
  • These are Fallendora and her Three Warriors
  • She of bleached white bones and a gleaming longsword, wearing a shredded green gown with a frayed golden sash, blonde hair ratty, tangled, and mostly torn off its head, and a simple silver circlet on its skully brow
  • The three warriors with winged steel helms and full-length chainmail still shining, high leather boots now rotted and worn, spears in hands, these flaying tattered banners of green and gold
  One level for summoning small demons (small demons there?)
  • A room fuil of huge scarlet crystals (must be about 15) rising from the floor, tipped and lined in deep black. Some are 3' tall, some are up to 7'.
  • Along the far wall is what looks like a fireplace, a kind of hole in the wall lined in red brick. There is a space cleared before it, enough for a human person to stand comfortably.
  • A slow, low flame flickers from somewhere within the hole.
  • (Here, the right kind of ritual will raise a demon, once a month. The ritual should include the scarlet and black wands on the wall in Pyronticus Explo's room at the top.)
    Items of the Old Shivvara Tower levels get slimmer and slimmer, gradually Smell of gasoline or ammonia or diesel... awful, on the edge of causing penalties Save or: Sickened un LVL 12
  • Sacks and jars of reagents all around, and two wands on the wall (deep black and scarlett, for summoning demons downstairs)...
  • A small wood-frame bed of down, black coverlet... a washstand, mirror, three pails of water; a deck of playing cards, all messed around, on a table with one chair
  • Some "alchemical treasure" either here, or unused upstairs (PE uses all the extra)
LVL 13
  • Top level is balcony, only 30' radius, covered (with space between) with the slate-conical rooftop... P.E. launches his demons against the party... This is where pyronticus will face the party
  • Here he will have all of his prepared alchemical items, and two of his flying demons (lvl ?)
  • P.E. will joyfully and gleefully deliver a splodey-load out over the forest so the PC's can witness an explosion (So final battle is the party against P.E. and his two demons) Act 3, Scene 2: The Lower Keep of Shivvara Basement of Shivvaran Keep


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