Brohd Zellor History: Darkfeather and Earthpit Military Conflict in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Brohd Zellor History: Darkfeather and Earthpit

The Earthpit and the Darkfeather: Alliance to Enemy

First, under the influence of Eskil the Trickster, the Darkfeather Clan turns against the people of Brohd Zellor. Skilian Priests and Warriors, and a group of incredibly charismatic Darkfeather leaders, brought the Earthpit to Eskil’s side for the first time in the long, their long history.   The Earthpit, first aligned with the Darkfeather but then led to liberation by the Great Heroes Dargg the Dregga and Hector Mountainshoulders (the latter of whom would become King of the Earthpit, and king of a vast region around Zedjerek) comprises the Zedjereki “army,” an affiliation of soldiers, guards, and captains.   The following is one regiment (180 soldiers) of war–a regiment of Darkfeathers...   40 Darkfeather Soldiers--Lvl 7 (only 6 now out on patrol or guarding Nagka (14 killed 20 in Zedjerek) 12 Earthpit elite soldiers--Lvl 10 20 Darkfeather Sneaks (3 out on patrol or guarding Nagka (1 killed 10 scouting and patrolling the mountains; 6 in Zedjerek) 100 Jackhammer guard--Lvl 2 (12 guard Nagka; 8 out on patrol with Darkfeathers; 80 in or around Zedjerek) and 5 Clerics of Eskil--Lvl 10 (two dead in Nagka; 3 left elsewhere) and 2 High Priests of Eskil “Old Men” (Lvl 13) (Now in Zedjerek, one the “Governor”) Lvl 15 Sorcerer: Eskelean High Chaos Sorcerer of the Earthpit: Zorzak (Now in Zedjerek) Lvl 8 Sorcerer and lvl 8 Fighter, Yukk’zaz (Now in Zedjerek) Homzakk the red: Supreme Chaotic Overlord of the Great Earthpit Mountain Clan (20th level rogue, but really an avatar of Eskil himself)   After the Earthpit liberation, the Jackhammer from across the Great White Valley clan joined with their forces. At that time in Zedjerek the Earthpit turned and battled the Darkfeather with the help of our Redscroll heroes, to reclaim the great city.  
The Earthpit Breaks Free of its Eskilian Alliance

Reference Story From Brohd Zellor: Dwarven Clans Turned Against the Good
  The Earthpit clan has risen to prominence only lately, as their clan chief--Hektor Mountainshoulders called “Hektor the Great”. Under his leadership, they swore into Law and chased the Darkfeathers out of Zedjerek and among the mountainsides. He is risen to king of the Deeprunner Region, due to his remarkable charisma, his ties with other clans and assurance of safety in these troubled times.   He is a strong military leader and has mustered a large army of Jackhammers, Earthpits, and other clans. Bringing altogether for soldiery and war. It this point, the Earthpit was joined with the forces of Eskil Deathdagg, Darken Trickster God of the Dwarves   Not so long ago (a century or two), the Earthpit clan was a nomadic group of more barbaric Dwarves, mostly shunning cities. They had mighty warlords and charismatic leaders, and the strong patronage (among the lords) of Eskill. At the time, wiith Eskil, they hated the lawful dwarven clans who treated them with disdain and even mockery, and there was jealousy and seething hatred of other clans. (A seed planted for Eskil’s work!)   When the Kiddzai arrived at the end of the second age, Eskil’s forces arranged for a meeting between these creatures and the Earthpit. The latter had turned its upper echelons to the service of evil, and a plan to take over Brohd Zellor itself.   All the Earthpit groups came together in a huge gathering and mustering, meeting in Zedjerek for a whole moon to discuss plans. Eskil’s priests were there, offering all parties unlimited power over Brohd Zellor should it be destroyed, and the Kiddzai sent a delegation as well, having been contacted also by an avatar of Eskil.   At this great gathering on an eastern mountaintop the conference was held. In the end it all agreed that all parties involved, with the blessing of Eskil, would assault the land of the boastful, proud, good Dwarven gods on one final, fateful day, lay waste to the mountains and valleys, and arise victorious in this new wasteland. There were several Darkfeather clerics there as well: three esteemed Eskilian liches (phylacteries now destroyed), and they lent the wiles and powers of their clan to the war.   But Mountainshoulders was wary, even outright opposed.   After the destruction of the world as the third age--the age of war and destruction at the hands of the Kiddzai --both the Earthpit and the Darkfeather would receive a land of their own, an entire Brohd Zellor of their own design, to rule over and over which to have absolute power and dominion. So the Kiddzai and the Earthpit and the Darkfeather, all with the aid of Eskil Himself, made a pact to destroy Brohd Zellor, pulverize it into nothingness, and leave it for dead.   The Earthpit took the lead and began to spread among the civilized lands and cities. With the help of Eskil’s trickery and their own charisma, they won hearts and minds (and fears) and finally, in the person of Hektor Mountainshoulders, produced a leader that all the clans could rally around. And so the great charismatic warrior turned the tide, and the Erathpit turned to the Good (by the powers of the Elyssa, Goddess of the Good   @zed is their chief location–the seat of their royalty–but there are also powers hovering above the land–in plain view!--a great floating vessel made of rock. Their “Grand High Lord” has no known location, and many Earthpit privately suspect that this person does not even exist corporeally, that he is rather some kind of demi-god or smoke spirit.   The Earthpit will thus move to take on the forces of the Kiddzai and Eskil. It looks as though the effort will be hopeless…
The Earthpit clan has risen to prominence only lately, as their clan chief--Hektor Mountainshoulders called “Hektor the Great” has risen to king of the Deeprunner Region, due to his remarkable charisma, his ties with other clans and assurance of safety in these troubled times.   He is a strong military leader and has mustered a large army of Jackhammers and Earthpits. Some Darkfeathers have even come to his side, swayed by his strong, stone-like carry. He brings together warriors and soldiers from these clas for soldiery, guard, and (eventually) war.   Not so long ago (a century or two), the Earthpit clan was a nomadic group of more barbaric Dwarves, mostly shunning cities. They had mighty warlords and charismatic leaders, and the strong patronage (among the lords) of Eskil. At some point the Earthpit were swayed by urbanity, and they settled for a more lawful experience as a clan. Their alliance with Eskil didn't last; they couldn't abide his evil and lack of lawfulness.   The Earthpit fell from Eskil's graces, and the Darkfeathers moved to fill the gap. They are now subservients of the Evil Trickster Lord. They are pawns in a very large game...
Conflict Type
The Grand High Lord:  The ultimate power behind this effort of destruction, he goes by the name of Homzakk the Redd. He is really in his true form an avatar of Eskil–not really a dwarf at all–but he goes in Dwarven form when he visits Brohd Zellor, or when it is more convenient. (Really he is a Demon-like creature from Eskil’s home plane in the abyss.) Even the Kiddzaia are afraid of him (not reverent but afraid) and will take broad orders from him. He is a legitimate piece of Eskil, composed in his true form as a Smokemonster from Pandemonium, utterly and invincibly a servant of Eskil. He was once a great dwarven hero but turned evil at the close of the Second Age, joining Eskil’s forces.


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