Forest of Elvendell Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Forest of Elvendell

home of Elvendell and the Elves
      GENERAL   Feywilds of Dreamsgate, Survey GEOLOGY     ROcks Specimens of petrififed wood can be found in places, often in circles… these are holy places to the elves… The powerful ones might gather pieces for amulets, wand tips, or etc.   Gemstones and Minerals
  • Blue-Green Opals rarely found, but of highest value (900)
  • Brilliant deep indigo feldspar (plagioclasts) deposited here by the rivers coming from the north (50)
  • Cross Rock (Rolallah), a maroon/grey mineral that crystallizes in a cross-shape… smaller crystals gathered for elven amulets (40)
  • Sea Green Feytalc--soft, waxy mineral can be powdered to magic; adhesives (500)
  • Iron Ore deposits in hills north (only valuable in high quantities)
  • “Herbed” Halite (natural form of salt, flavored with a barely describable flavor of basil or thyme) (60)
  • Silver mined in hills, infrequent deposits (5)
  • Clear Green Elven Obsidian (Driraleth) (rare, reserved for the finest jewelry, embellishment, or weaponry, etc.) (250)
  • Amber (50)
  BIOREGIONS   Lake of Elvendell Forest of Elvendell Urban and Semi-Urban areas of Elvendell (city) and surrounding lands Elven Mountains     WEATHER
  • Forest of Elvendell
  • A Story of Elves and Elvendell:
    A History of High Elves on Dreamsgate
    Alternate Stories: A Story of Elves, I or A Story of Elves, II 
    In truth, the Elves often do not care for the "truth" of history, rather savoring each story for its own flavor and poetry.

    Elven Races of the Forest:
    High Elves
    Wood Elves


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