High Elves Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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High Elves

High Elves populate forests all across Summer's Tale. Their customs and architecture may vary, but they still share the same Elven language, both written and spoken. High Elves pride themselves on the consistency and resilience of their language, despite the geographical distances among them.

The elves live mostly in the various forested regions of Narra, although there are smaller populations in the Forests of Djinn on the East Coast. Greyleaf Elves mingle with the Narrans freely on that continent, and among humans elsewhere as well. Elves from the Greyleaf have deep olive skin, sometimes paler or darker, and usually lighter hair, although ranging to black. (Certain elves are born with outrageous hair color.) Culturally they grow their hair long and often braid it.
Greyleaf Forest
  Elves of Djinn in the far east are much more pale, with darker hair (really quite different from the Greyleaf elves in this respect). They are more humble and often spend their lives in research and scholarship. The Yklan University and its subsidiaries are popular places to teach, or to work diligently as a student of any number of disciplines.
Forest of Djinn

5000 years ago or more, the Elvish people came to Dreamsgate in great ships from a continent across the Western Sea. They landed on what is now the Long Coast, and, sensing the pristine nature of the continent, they headed up along the Little River into the interior. They knew that something sacred and beautiful awaited them there. They explored the Sticky Fen and came up through the wilderness of woods.

The Elves were the first contemporary race to arrive, and they arrived as refugees from Origgune. It may be buried in some tome in an old library in Elvendell. And there is a vibrant mythology around the event as well.   Dreamsgate was perfect for the Elves. There was a feywild very near their point of arrival, and their reception there was almost as if in reunion. They worked their way up through fey lands, making friends along the way, and were given a great area of fey forest (now the Forest of Elvendell) in which to live, along with mountains and a crystal clear lake. Over the course of nearly 500 years, they built their great city of Elvendell.
Feywilds of Dreamsgate, Survey
A History of High Elves on Dreamsgate
Forest of Elvendell

The Elves have lived on Origgune, they say, for longer than any other race anywhere on Summer's Tale. Through the millenia they have mostly kept to themselves in their forests. The Lacq Forest Elves are the most ancient of all, relatively undisturbed, with goblinoids as the periodic exception--over time many wars have broken out between the Lacq elves and these creatures--and an ancient enmity between the two. The Lacq Forest civilization is so old that High Elven cities have literally been built on top of older ones, until the most recent cities exist on a pile of a hundred or more ruined ones. See
Elven Settlements in the Lacq Forest
History of the Lacq Forest Elves
Lacq Forest Elves, Wood Elf and High Elf

The sentients of Origgune know little of the High Elves of the Dwellion Woods. These Elves were lost to knowledge long ago, and they exist in secret cities among the tall oaks and maples. They say the Dwellion elves sometimes travel up into the mountains for some mysterious purpose, but they are ever-elusive and only a few have seen them, let alone met them, on record.
Examples of the High Elven Calendar
  Holidays or Observed Days (initial list):
First Snowmoon, 8th Day (3 days until winter solstice: Quiel Sallar—a day of silence and prayer and silent ritual)   Elven Religion
Elven Deities and Divinities

  Want to play a high elf, or just take a look?  Find the High Elven Attributes and Modifiers Here:
High Elven Player Character Attributes


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