Gobbleguuk Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Unofficially the nation of the Goblinoids, in eastern Aiigoria. The rule of law is weak here, and things are generally overseen by a hobgoblin army or warriors and police. The goblins live in fear and hatred of the hobgoblins, and the bugbears are kept at bay with gifts of flesh and wicked alcoholic spirits. The country unites in their hatred of the Elves of Djinn to the east, and there are always plots going on here and there to "rid the world" of elves, and burn the forest to the ground.   Every once in a while (once a century?), the hobgoblins have a leader charismatic enough to muster and army, and at these times the elves are actually nervous. So far no goblin attempt to take over and damage the forest has succeeded, although they've come close enough that the elves respect their danger. The elves are constantly sending their magic and their spies into Gobbleguuk, to see what they're up to, and to assassinate their most important leaders.   A few times, the elves of Djinn have mustered their own army, with assistance from the humans among them, to head out onto the plain of Gobbleguuk proactively, to wage war on the Goblins while they're disorganized and vulnerable.   Goblins of Wast and Gobbleguk and Goblins of Aligoria  Goblins of Aligoria Goblin Religion and Language
GEOLOGY   Along the eastern edge of Pudd, and to a certain extent all of Gobbleguuk that buts up against the Forest of Djinn, there is an extensive limestone deposit, in which is a complicated system of caves. The goblins are the only ones small enough to be at least somewhat confident navigating the caves. There is a vast network, and the caves present their own goblin culture even within themselves.
SETTLEMENT: PUDD   Pudd is a sprawled tent city of hobgoblins, around which has gathered all manner of goblin culture. The goblins sneak a patrol around the camp, scavenging or selling stolen goods, harassing and even attempting to murder hobgoblins.   The city itself consists of Rugged canvas tents spread out over a square mile or less. It can be a mustering place for war, or a place to exchange tactical knowledge, or a place for hobgoblins to brawl, beat eachother up, steal, or belligerently threaten eachother into submission. Pudd is often a place where a warlord can assert their dominance and gather forces for some dastardly purpose.


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