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Goblins of Wast and Gobbleguk and Goblins of Aligoria


Of the Goblinoids of Eastern Aligoria, Gobbleguuk And their rise in Wast, and tides of war in Ben’Dellen   A small and poorer tribe of hobgoblins, called the “Sturdy Ones” (with a symbol of a perfect square, with a crude black skull within it)--live far west of the Elven forest of Djinn. They subsist there and achieve a dominance over most of the creatures and resources of the unpopulated wilds. But these are few, and the hobgoblins are angry and restless. Elves sometimes patrol and scout (and even send hunting parties) from the east, attempting to cleanse the area of goblinoids once and for all.   But the Sturdy Ones hide away, and curse the Elven people, and vow revenge. They connect with a few other tribes coming out of the south, and the collective migrates south into Wast. They manage to survive there, becoming even tougher, harsher, and crueler, although the harsh living conditions keep them from thriving and growing, until…   Karrianna-So, the Lamia of Kabor, takes them under its protection, and nurses them to health and stronger numbers. See * below.   Now War is brewing to the north in the Yellienni region of Ben’Dellen. It is rumored that the being known simply as “Winter,” she a mighty avatar of Grummsh Himself, emerged from her exile in the Underdark to direct the formation of this force herself, and to lead it into battle. The Kingdom of Yellienne is mustering armies against the hordes of hobgoblins and other monsters that scouts say are gathering in great numbers in Gobbleguuk. The Kingdom is desperate to enlist the help of the northern Dwarves and the surrounding Elven forests. The lords of the Dragonborn have also been petitioned from the Yolden Forest across the Yolden Sea.   Why would our heroes head that way, into the eye of the storm?   * Meanwhile, on a smaller but related scale,100 years ago the army of hobgoblins from several different small tribes began to assemble against the elves, sponsored by the great cruel ego of Karrianna’So, Lamia of Kabor, who lives in the wastes south of Gobbleguuk. The beast, in her own right, bears no love for the Elves and their frivolous, stupid, silly ways.   The hobgoblins were exiled in the waste to the south long ago but now grow in power and population. To the north of Wast is the Elven forest of Djinn, which will be the hobgoblin tribe’s first target as they march north and east to finally join the forces of Winter. Their patron, a Lamia in northern Wast, has struck a bargain. The hobgoblin tribe delivers them 500 elven souls in return for use of their forges and other copious material resources, including some potent magic items. “500 souls is an easy bargain, is it not?” The creature is a mortal enemy of Elves, and there is another whole history there… What would the Lamia do with an army of Elven souls?   And now the hobgoblins had wicked hope for their survival and supremacy. They rebranded themselves the Gozz-mogra, the “People of the Dust.” With the Karrianna’s resources: the newly made ochre-brown livery, tabards with their scattering of red and black (ideally dyed in blood) smatters, and blood-red crimson piping.   Karianna (or more likely her servants) taught them a rudimentary form of her “wast magic” and although the hobgoblins are very skeptical--even fearful--about magic in general, they took to this in the form of magic items and rituals that could be adapted to their own rough ceremonies to Gobzazz (divine lord of hobgoblins and the death they deal).   Northern Wast was once part of the forest 1000 years ago, but the wicked Lamia came with her dearth, and drove the elves north to more defensible forest territory. There was a disease, a pestilence that ravaged the Djinnian Elven population. Many died, and the land became a terrible waste. Karianna and her undead forces were eventually driven back into their newly wasted lands, by a source of Elven magic that barely saved the forest people. The lamia licked her wounds, and her hatred of the Elves festered and burned. The Elves meanwhile had their own hatred of her and her minions. Scouts, mages, rangers and warriors went in subterfuge to the wastes and discovered that Karianna’So and her city of Dast--an ancient Elven city now wasted and artificially restored--was still there, but no viable plan could be made to cross the wastes and defeat her forces. Now the hobgoblins gather as well, and the Elves of Djinn are nervous, quite understandably!   (Northern Wast, wasted as it is, still holds old signs of the Elves. Wasted as it is, here among the blasted, sun-scoured rock and gravel, the dull sands and canyons, are the ruined and crumbled remains of several Elven towns and cities, temples, outposts, villages--along with old roads, now mostly crooked and caved. Small settlements are all but destroyed or covered over with sands, but they can be found with some effort.)   The People of the Dust find several tribes of Wassten bugbears, passing on their yearly migration through the land on their way to their winter hunting grounds in the far east, OR eventually on their way north to join the Dark Army against Ben’Dellen. The People of the Dust enlist several renegade groups to defend themselves, and to use as mercenaries in the war, or on their missions to the south.   Meanwhile, in their lust for slaves, loot, and domination, they have extended some forces south to ravage the countryside and gather resources as they march north. The resources they gather are partly weapons, metals, coin, and food, but more importantly they are human people, demoralized and taken for labor.   The hobgoblins are building a fortified complex on the southern edge of the waste, a modest stronghold to protect the approach to their settlements in the waste. It lies along an old road, beyond the current limits of human habitation, or what used to be human habitation before the hobgoblins burned and pillaged most of it. The road is hundreds of years old, and the hobgoblins like it that way. Enemies have a harder time approaching...   The Djinnian Elves send periodic scouts, few of whom make it to the very southern area of the Waste, and they report smaller goblinoid groups (10-20 hobgoblin soldiers, often with wolves, and sometimes with bugbear mercenaries attached) ranging north into human lands. The Elves are not sure what to make of this, and a few have even followed, although they have not yet to report..
Player Character Attributes!
So to this link to see the in-game stats and ATTRIBUTES for a goblin: Goblin Player Character Attributes     More general information about goblins:
Goblinoids Goblins Overview Goblin Religion and Language The unofficial "nation" of the goblinoids, in eastern Aligorian, west of Djinn: Gobbleguuk
  They are usually a jolly happy lot, but they can become grim in a matter of moments. They are tough customers when the situation calls. In Aligoria, Northern Goblins are a little shorter and stouter as a general rule, with tougher-looking (and wartier) hide, and a wider mouth.   Although not as tall as hobgoblins, Southern Goblins, those on Aligoria south of Gobbleguuk, are stretched up a bit, skinnier with a slightly smaller head and longer pointy ears.   Western Aligorian goblins are playful, but there is deceit and malice behind it almost every time. The end of their play will always be cruelty, or at least serious deviance. This happens especially in larger groups. It's still everyone for themself, but there is more boldness there, and much more danger.   A band of goblins is called a "Fukkle." in and around Tellarus. The word itself is derived from the Goblin language. It means "Funtime."


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