Hill Dwarf Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Hill Dwarf

Hill Dwarves are the grumpier, crabbier, stouter and even a little tougher cousins of the Dwarves that live in the mountains. Elves generally consider their perma-scowls to be extremely unattractive the same way helflings chuckle amiably at the dwarve's sullen moodiness. Hill Dwarves will keep to their own society as a general rule, and they tend to form tight bonds.   Thus the hill dwarves are incredibly loyal to their own clans and extended families. Of course, all that being said, there are some glaring exceptions to the rules above. One who breaks the general rules of the Hill Dwaven people may possibly be shunned, removed from the society. The cold shoulder of a Hill Dwarf is chilly indeed.   Hill Dwarves find places to live where there are stony lands--places of rich mineral deposit. Hands down, they are the most skilled miners on Summer's Tale, with extensive (seemingly exhaustive) knowledge about rocks, stones, and minerals. Rarely, a Hill Dwarf will undergo scholastic studies and become not only a expert in stone-lore, but also a master of geologic history. "The miserable time with Mountain Dwarves [and their universities] is worth it," they might say grudgingly, with a scowl.   Hill Dwarves' dwellings are far less extensive or decorated than those of their cousins in the mountains. They tunnel into the hillsides, just enough for a comfortable home. They are more accustomed to light than the Mountaineers, but a day of bright sunlight is a day for grumbling and crankiness. Elder dwarves just choose to stay inside. It's not worth it.   Hill Dwarves love precious stones, but they also love gold and riches. They will go to nearby human settlements to buy and sell. Their stone-cutting and mining abilities are highly valued by merchants in a wider market.  
  Against the evil denizens of the hill country, Hill Dwarves will band together in tight groups to battle and destroy. Most communities and clans have patrols that roam and scout the hillsides, for most of their territories are beset with ogres, trolls, and orcs.     Hill Dwarves locations / territories: The Gimli Hills, at the Base of the Gimli Mountains in western Dreamsgate   These dwarves have grudging relationships with the Humans of Darvenland to the East, and much of their trade is with the Darvenlanders, who act as middle-men selling Dwarven ore or gems to the Kingdom Bountiful in the south. Mines are extensive in the Gimli Hills, and the Mountain Dwarves further west, their environs looming stark and large ove the hilly landscape, need take care when moving through Hill Dwarf land, lest the miners take offense. In any case, the Mountain Dwarves played the crucial role in the final days of the Orc Wars a hundred years ago. The uplanders descended in droves through the hills and to Darven battlefield. Their heroism, which saved the Hill Dwarves from pillage and destruction, has not been forgotten. The Hill people won't talk about it, but they'll remember...   The Nation of Bair (northern-most Orrigune), Various Hilly Lands   The rocky lands of Bair yield great riches, but only to the most skilled miners. In Bair, the dwarves are held in highest esteem, for their ingenuity and tenacity is what extracts the minerals and stones from the ground. The Dwarves here are more wealthy, and their homes can be burrowed in the most opulent fashions. Many take enjoyment in the company of humans, and in this region only some see this as strange.   The Hills Beyond Tovvens (Northwestern Aligoria)   One rarely sees these Dwarves, excavating their burrow homes at the base of the Zell Mountains in the foothills, on the edge of the small country of Tovvens. Even the Tovvensers rarely see the Dwarves. Once in a long while the latter might send merchants of their own kind to do business--very rarely even as far south as Tellarus--but mostly they sell to Mountain Dwarves coming down out of the Zells on their way to selling their own wares in Tovvens or places further south in the Empire.   The Rock-lands of the Federation of Zephyran People   Hill Dwarves in this region, at the upper Eastern corner of Origgune, are fierce and proud, and they seldom have dealings with humans. Certain merchants have a clearance to enter their lands, although they must provide their own protection. Hill Dwarves here are gruff, and very tough. The environment is full of hostile creatures, and trust does not come cheap. This is an area where clan loyalty is fiercest.


Major language groups and dialects

Hill Dwarves speak straight up Dwarvan, with only the slightest hint of an accent.  Hill Dwarven drawl a bit more, and this gives them away unless they've practice speaking as Mountain Dwarves do, covering up their difference.

Common Etiquette rules

Hill Dwarves are gruff and often scowling, even when they are feeling okay.  Elders often complain about aches and pains, and talk it up that they spent their whole lives in the mines.  They tell tales too, of mining exploits, battles with creatures of the mines, and gems or minerals found over the years.  The Dwarven youth, if they are on this track, soak these stories up, preparing for a glorious life as a miner.   Hill Dwarves speak as little as they need to, unless telling tales to their youn-folk.  Being overly talkative in the presence of a Hill Dwarf will get a gruff response, and a Dwarf's annoyance at very least.  If they can, Hill Dwarves will do their best to exit such conversations, perhaps just walk away.  They hate bullshitters and gregariousness.

Common Dress code

Hill Dwarves wear rough, modest homespun clothing, made of flax or rarely cotton, bought with gold in great quantities. Their reinforced goat-leather-boots are clunky and heavy and incredibly durable. Some in the mines also wear sturdy leather gloves, but a lack of callous on the hands of a Dwarf sometimes diminishes respect for the subject. Non-miners wear boots as well, of far less durability.

Art & Architecture

There is little "art"--in the common sense--among Hill Dwarves.  Their forges don't quite rival those of the mountain Dwarves, not can the skills of their smiths.  But good, sturdy weapons are forged, and parties of hill dwarves that head into the hills on a troll-hung (or etc.) are well-armed.  The leather armor they make is sometimes studded in attractive patterns, as are marked and sewn and patched the clothing of clan chiefs and their family.   Occasionally a priest (possibly of the mountain dwarves) will bless a particularly well-made weapon, creating a prize beyond wealth.  Again, clain leaders usually receive this blessing.   Gem wealth, in raw form, passes through the hands (wholesale) by the Hill Dwarves, trading with their mountain cousins, or with lowlanders.  There are some gem-cutters among them--very few--that can fashions golden jewelry with these materials.  The products are passably beautiful, but again, nothing that rivals their mountains cousins.  Jewelry is almost always sold,not worn.

Interested in maybe playing a Hill Dwarf? 

  Follow this link to find out more of their game statistics and attributes!  You'll need these to play your Hill Dwarf!       Hill Dwarves and shorter and stouter than their mountain siblings.. Hill Dwarves's skin is darker than other dwarves, a tan to deep olive color. Their hair color is usually brown or black, and their mustaches and beards grow very quickly. Usually the beard is the one part of their body that they keep up meticulously, with wooden and stone beads, or beads of bone.   All Hill Dwarves start their adulthood speaking regional Common and Dwarven, and further languages (+1 for every +1 of Intelligence modifier) are often of their sworn enemies: Orcish, Troll, or Giant. Hill Dwarves reach adulthood around ag 35, and they can live up to more than 225 years. They are almost always under 5' tall, sometimes as short as 4'. Weight is 160 lbs or so.    
  • HIt Points: 10
  • Size Medium
  • Speed 20'
  • Ability Boosts: Constitution, Wisdom, Free
  • Ability Flaw: Charisma
  • Darkvision
  • DWARVEN HERITAGE: ROCK DWARF: +2 to Fortitude and Reflex Bonuses vs. Shove or Trip of any kind. If forced to move 10' or more, the distance moved in halved.
  HILL DWARF ATTRIBUTES FOR D and D, v3.5     HILL DWARF ATTRIBUTES FOR D and D, 5e keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience Ability Score Increase: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength Speed 25' Darkvision 60' Advantage to saves against Poison, and resistance against Poison Damage Proficient in blattleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, warhammer, and war pick Proficient in light and medium armor Proficient with one of the following: smith's tools; brewer's supplies, or mason's tools Double proficiency bonus when making an Intelligence (History of Stonework) check TOUGHNESS: Gain one extra hit point every time earning a new level Dwarven Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Parent ethnicities

Hill Dwarves, PC's in Pathfinder 2e
  AS "DWARVES" Except...
  • Ability Boosts: Constitution, Strength, and Free
    . Ability Flaw Charisma
  • if choosing the Rock Dwarf Heritage, gain +3 to Fortitude or Reflex, and vs. Shover or Trip
  • Extra Languages are often Dwarven Sworn Eneimies (Giant, Draconic, Orc...)
Hill Dwarvers in D and D 3.5 Exactly as "Dwarves," except
  • Extra Languages are often Dwarven Sworn Eneimies (Giant, Draconic, Orc, Goblinoid, or some other enemy...)Except:
  • +1 to STR, in addition to +2 CON and -2 CHA
  • +2 attacks bonus against any Giant-type (instead of +1), still +1 vs. the others, and against anything lurking in a mine
  • Choose only one Dwarven Weapon with which to be familiar (not all)
  • +3 to any Appraise check involving preceious metals or gems (not +2)
  Hill Dwarves in D and D 5e Exactly as "Dwarf" --> "HILL DWARF"


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