Mountain Dwarves Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Mountain Dwarves

"Traditional" Dwarves of the Mountain Regions

ANCESTRY: Mountain Dwarf   Mountain Dwarves are among the hardiest beings to ever walk the lands of Summer's Tale. They are stocky, 4 or 5 feet tall at most, with a rugged thickness and strength. Dwarves of male sex grow great beards, and these are often braided in elaborate patterns and styles, depending on the dwarf’s clan or region. Mountain Dwarves love to let go and have a dram or two of whiskey with their mates, but to outsiders they can be stubborn and cantankerous, with a furrowed scowl.  
  Clan is incredibly important to Dwarves, and they identify by clan in many ways. Clan members sometimes spread out geographically, but when a Dwarf sees their banner flying in a foreign place, they know they will find refuge and friendship there. Clans can include secret languages or runes, symbols, special weaponry or religion, or anything else they might share among them.   Mountain Dwarves typically live in the higher mountains. They are unmatched in mining, tunneling, and stonework, and their larger cities are literally carved into mountainsides. Their mortal enemies are giants and trolls, with a particular hatred of orcs and dragons as well.   Dwarves have an elaborate genealogical pantheon, including all aspects and elements of life. It is a tight pantheon, and each deity has their place quite rigidly. Temples are created for all deities, some with rooms of ritual combat that must be passed to reach the inner sanctum. Most Dwarves pay only passing attention to the deities, but devotees have a strong religious connection to their deity(s), with strong relationships developed over time. That said, Clerics are rare among the Dwarves. (See the Dwarven Pantheon Spreadshee)


Brohd Zellor Mountain Realm (West):
Usually brown heair, but can be black depending on clan (e.g. the Darkfeather clan has jet black hair). West-Zellorian Dwarves are notorious for sometimes letting bear and hair grow free, although it is well oiled and kept. They are sometimes good-naturedly teased by other clans / regions for their lack of braids.
Brohd Zellor     Brohd Zellor Mountain Realm (East) and Brohtzl Range
Their hair is any shade of brown, dark dark brown being the most common. Often tight, elaborate, even beaded braiding.
Brohd Zellor     Staradarvan Mountains at the Extreme Eastern Coast of Aligoria
A little bit taller and less stocky, but only noticeable in some. Staradarvan Dwarves have smoother skin and appear to be less stubborn or cranky. They carry themselves with more nobility and baring. Their hair is silkier and often of a very light color.
Staradarvan Mountains

Gimli Mountains at the Western Edge of Dreamsgate
The Gimli Dwarves are a proud ancestry, heads held high and defiant. They battled their way to their homeland and “earned” the great mines and cities they have built in these tall, rocky mountains. Gimli Dwarves generally have tightly braided brown hair and beards, worn long.

Common backgrounds for Mountain Dwarves: Artisan, Guard, Miner, or somesuch
Complete List of Pathfinder Backgrounds

Literacy: Complex runic system, long developed, sophisticated // Most Dwarves are literate
Dwarven Myth and Religion
Dwarven Clerics
Dwarven Races and Ethnicities
Diverged Ethnicities (Dwarves other than Mountain Dwarves...)
Diverged ethnicities
If you might want to play a Mountain Dwarf, here is a link to their attributes. It has statistics and game-rules regarding this ancestry.   Mountain Dwarves are a Common Ancestry, so there is little chance of a Mountain Dwarf being out of place in adventure settings. Your character will have a smooth transition into the adventuring life, unless you choose otherwise.   Here is a link to the Mountain Dwarf attributes: Mountain Dwarves Player Character Attributes
Dwarves in Brohd Zellor Specifically:
This world was built for dwarves, and by the Dwarven spirit itself. It holds the archetype for the Dwarven people all over the multiverse. As such, the Dwarves here are fiercely attached to it. They do wonder about Dwarven life elsewhere in the multiverse, and they are often curious. Dwarves are completely at home, and in their own element. They are “the Dwarves’ Dwarves.” They are proud of the Three Mountains and almost always have a reverence for them, and for the land in general. There are mostly similarities with Dwarves in other places, but also a few outstanding differences. There are less numerous races of Dwarf that are actually very different from the “traditional.” See BROHD ZELLOR DWARVES below. Dwarven Race Descriptions


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