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Jack City: Jabba Darsanti, Compound, and Information

Kora: "We seek seven arks of gold and two of blue crystal ore. These are dwarven goods, and they have been wrongly stolen by a man named Jabba Darsanti, a distant cousin of ours, a cousin gone greedy and miscreant. He holes up in a mid-city bunker, protected by a bar-ful of disgusting cronies, organizing his own route to wealth, by intercepting ours. Jabba is a danger to us, indeed to all of our family, and he must be dealt with, and soon.

"We seek the nine arks in question, and the head of Jabba Darsanti. All other riches found are yours to keep. In addition, we can pay 30 gold up front. Kill Jabba, clean out his nasty den, and then come let us know. We'll take the rest from there.   "Remember, you do nothing to reveal yourself in our hire. Things will go quite wrong for you if you do. Just find the gold and take out Jabba; that's it."

Jabba entertains visitors and locals alike in his undereground cantina, a large dark room--almost more a cave than a room--that fills up each day and night with a strange and often dangerous crowd. Brawls here (instigated secretly sometimes by Jabba's own people) are quite common, fights over any number of things.
  Jabba Dersanti himself is a shrewd mafia boss in his own right. Through channels of bribe and extortion, he has intercepted arks of gold from pirates and Desrantis alike. He has a large gang of Ogrish and Orcish thugs, which he pays handsomely in food, drink, and gold.   His plan is to ammass enough gold to buy up, and become a Tower Boss, to stand on the unwilling shoulders of his family name.  
And the E'in
  He also has an interest in the E'in and their legends, the Stories of the Elements is a book he had as a child, and still has a ratty, dog-eared volume. He knows of the Staves, and he seeks to own them. He has intelligence on the locations of the E'in caverns and complexes. He will pay good coin, and barter some items, for a staff returned.   2.1.2. E'in Ruins  
Jabba vs. Other Mafias
  Jabba can also offer hits to make, such as Jambo Saducci (the mafioso of the Saducci family), who is rapidly discovering more about Jabba's plans. An infiltration of the Saducci's third tower, and his assassination, would pay a high price. Also the Mangloria triplets in Manglor ("Nightshade," three sisters, witches) are planning some awful ritual, and Jabba fears what it might be.

The Mangloria are heavily allied with the Drow, who visit them in their keeps and towers to scheme plots of power and murder. Any plot against the Mangloria has a chance of attracting attention from the Drow as well.

  He has a secret entrance in the back of his underground compound, through which his golden interceptions are passed. He has a number of arks of gold, and two arks of pure blue quartz chunks. Enough money there to laslt several lifetimes or more.   Also back in his compound complex are various creatures and hazards, including:   At this point he's "investing" a good deal of his gold in a drug called "the Milky Way," (see Hazards, Poisons, etc. in MM) which is grown and compounded by the catfolk along the coast south of Tellarus. It's also called "the Nip" by the humans in that region.   Right now Jabba (with his endless supply of gold and quartz) holds the absolute corner on the market for the drug. It is highly addictive and causes some eupohoric and hallucinatory experience.     JABBA'S DEN   Jabba's den is built into a hillside in the Pitario (known as the "Deep Slums") District (if a district it can be called), the entrance an enormous rusted iron door as an entrance.   It can be mechanically opened from the inside, like great iron jaws opening to admit visitors. Befoe it are often the heads on pikes of Jabba's enemies--recent (or not so recent).

Jabba has a trapdoor behind his "throne," into which he'll disappear when things get dangerous. At those times he leaves things up to his guards and makes a quick escape.   He throws a smoke bomb (always at least one on his person), and sneaks back into his personal quarters, an extensive and dangerous labyrinth of pitfalls and awful creatures ("pets"), all designed as points of boast and resepct, to protect Jabba and his identity and his reputation.   He rarely moves to escape without
learning something
from his visitors. Why have they come? Are they Darsanti spies? He is quite paranoid about his cousin Dersantis, and will interrogate any visitors he doesn't trust already with an Ogre beating, and then a questioning session before the throne.    
INTRO DESCRIPTIONS Jabba's Cantina: Being Captured  
After a non-lethal beating from the four ogres,
  • Our heroes come to, with really bad headaches most of them, having been thrown to floor is a stinking, tiny cell somewhere. Your hands are tied expertly behind you, and other bindings. [The place smells the same as where you came in--the smell or piss and beer and bod odor--perhaps the smell of the place in general.]
  • Guards with battered armor and old helmets with tusks like a boar, come in and yank you around, get you to your feet, and drag you into a huge, cavernous space, lit sparsely here and there by torchlight. As you are brought in, you take in the scene.

  • The place is a cantina, alive with strange music, full of many strange creatures of different size and shape. Most are humans: They look toward you and chuckle, rude as hell. Needless to say, there are a log of goblins, giggling with raspy joy, spitting on eachother, or capering about to the weird music coming from a stage across the room. There are also tough looking orcish characters, narrowing their eyes and doing an orc-huff, the orcish expression of aggressive disdain. Two of them stand up, flexing muscles and cracking knuckles.
  • You are brought before a big throne, on a raised dais, perhaps more of a plush, shit-stained couch... Upon it sits a very large man with greasy hair and a perma-frown. He wears a black leather ensenble with some rips and shreds. He stares down at you and grips the pommel of a long cutlass. A filthy, mangy rat sits on his shoulder, looking at you with beady eyes,
  • JAbba: "You are a strange bunch... Why did you show up here, I wonder..."
    • FORT check DC 13 to have full wits about you, otherwised Dazed 2 from the beating
    • PERCEPTION CHECK DC18 to see the grated floor below
    • Jabba has a lever at the side of his throne, opens to a little staging area, where [Two giant mantis? or some creature] come out to devour the PC's
    • Can grab an edge DC22
    • Two guards will fall in as well, unless they save (or more?)

Much bigger issue

Jabba's intrigue is not just to elevate himself above the city; there are larger motives at work.    
  Jabba has enlisted (for pay) a particular troop of renegade Drow, and together they plan to form an infiltration of Hightower and the major mafia families.   Jabba appeals to the Drow; they will share dominion and control of the city, and their share of tower and slum, and their share of victims and sacrifices.

  The Drow are already more active, and there are always at least several coming and going (mostly in secret) to and from the compound.   Truth be told, the Drow are considering abandoning the deal and taking over Jabba's own empire.  
Note: Jabba also seeks the elemental staves in the ruins of the E'in. Looking for people who might get them for hire.   2.1.2. E'in Ruins
The E'in, People of the Elements


Note: Jabba seeks the platinum cube, or "the cube of the families." He has a piece, but there are two remaining, supposedly one held by nobles in High Tellarus, or another in an ancient Wyranian Kingsrune ("Noble Ruin") beneath the Gutter, in the South Facing Gutter. The completed cube would grant a great deal of... power... and I could reward you quite handsomely.  
INFILTRATE THE HIGHTOWER, (with the help of the Drow?)

Note: Jabba needs an infiltration of north Hightower; specifically the Tamadaria, who live in a blue marble castle at the edgne of the northern basin. They are a powerful family, and they hold secrets that would be ... advantageous for us to learn (secrets about planned expansions, and about kobold movements up north of Tovvens). It is rumored that they also hold a fortune in sapphires and vintage silver flags. Jabba's Cantina and Compound, in play
Called by Local Tessinaea: JABBASKARRI: "Jabba's Hole"
  LINKS Jack City
Original Encounter   Meeting our heroes at the inside of the entrance (or running out to kill you once the doors open) are four Ogres (slopp, smuj, gippy, and Dokk), who will rush. A Mafiosee is standing behind them. To the ogres he will say: "Beat them up good, boys, but don't kill them. That can come later."
CREATURES and FOES in JABBA'S DEN   Jabba Darsanti and Familiar Monsters Below Jabba's Guard Denizens of the Jabaskarri ("Jabba's Hole:) Mafios


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