Lacq Forest Elves, Wood Elf and High Elf Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Lacq Forest Elves, Wood Elf and High Elf

See also Lacq Forest   HIGH ELVES of the LACQ   There is a mixture of High Elves and Wood Elves in the forest, and it is usually an urban/rural split, although there are many many deviations from this rule. High Elves are far less numerous, clustered in several cities up and down the length of the forest.   High Elves     RELIGION   Both the Wood and High Elves of the Lacq revere Desna above many other Elven Deities. The Mountain Slopes of the Greatwaters rise above the forest in the north, and for ages the Elves have had a perfect view of the southern skies, enought that there is myth and legend built up around it.   For many elves, searching the skies is now as important as tending the trees and the forest. These Elves are usually high priestesses of Desna, or high ranking clergy of some kind. Most elves visit the temples though, to "pay respects to the sky" or ask broadly for blessings and well-being.   More Here: Desna of the Singing Spheres And the demi-god Waer'tor, or "Wolf Head": see  Elven Myths Collection I     
  WOOD ELVES OF THE LACQ   In more secluded and wild areas are the WOOD ELVES. They are religious in their own way, mostly animistic, also revering:   Hadrian, Goddess of the Mountains, Age & Wisdom--(who is said to have sent an avatar to lead the wood elves in the conflict with the Goblinoids of Neverland, who is it?)--is revered in the foothills of the Greatwaters. Wodarian Oaken is the High Divine Lord of Trees, often a Druidic grove's source of power.   Reminder too, regarding wood elf deities: Wood Elves Revere any number of the deities yet still hold to an animistic outlook on things, both living and non-living.   According to theses Elves, every being has a brendel, a “soul”--a kind of personal life force, and a personality. We can communicate with these beings, give to and take from them, support them and love them, or turn against them.   The wood elves are secretive and do not take kindly to invasions, by wicked Fey or especially orcs or humans. Orcs will be killed on sight, and others often captured and drugged and removed. There might be some intent to parley and convince intruders to leave first.   Often wood elf towns or villages are up in the trees (mostly) with walkways and dwellings built into the branches of wide spreading oak trees of ancient age. Wood elves are absolute experts of the environment here and often have information regarding the feywild portals. They themselves have a fluid relationship with the feywilds, and many of them actually reside there.   Wood Elves     LACQ FOREST WOOD-ELVEN CUISINE   Food
  • Where available, forest tubers called Ellaina are used as a mash, with sheep’s butter. A very refreshing and healthy treat.
  • Other roots, especially carrots, are enjoyed in leafy salads with a light herbal oil and vinegar.
  • A small squirrel, called the Bastara, is among the few regular forms of meat-nutrition. In the lacq forest, the creature supplies one strip of tasty, salty meat.
  • Wood Elves of the Lacw forest, and in some other Origgune locations: Good sour cherry wine from the slopes, along with crisp melon-tasting white wine, and roots, greens, and a quinoa-type grain from the uplands… with a sweet beet-sauce
  • Elven whiskey (at least in the lacq forest): The grain from which it is fermented has a calming property to it (not just alcohol), and the drink is sometimes augmented with calming magic.
  • Elven beer is fermented from forest grains and often tastes more sour, but its healthful properties are unparalleled among beers and ales.
  • Elven wine, served by Wood Elves, has a rather sour taste. An acquired taste.
  • Served by High Elves, who grow grapes and apples specifically for the purpose, wine is exquisite. Different colors in which it is made depart different flavor aspects. Violet is the richest, a robust “red” wine.
  • Wood Elves of the Lacw forest, and in some other Origgune locations: Good sour cherry wine from the slopes, along with crisp melon-tasting white wine, and roots, greens, and a quinoa-type grain from the uplands… with a sweet beet-sauce
      ELVEN TRADE WITH THE SALLADORI HUMANS TO THE SOUTH   Elves frequent Karrnheit, both as traders and as exchangers of story and culture. Likewise, there are many from Karrnheit who visit the elven cities of the Kallenlakes, and even further into the forest as well. Karrnheiters have a good taste for elven food and goods after over two centuries of relationship, and the elves appreciate the sturdy carpentry and smithing for basic purposes. Sometimes the elves take on Karrnheit fashion as well.   Down the Feywash river, and along the Feyroad. Elves take barges with a number of goods, especially jewelry, magic supplies, and magic items.   Similar goods, along with clothing of particularly fashionable and durable make, come along the Elfroad, down from the north past the Neverland Waste. (This latter route has been used less for security (from hobgoblins) and for reasons of tariffs… The two factores together discourage Elven trade here.)     RESOURCES for CONSUMPTION and TRADE
Heavy tariff from the CIty, getting heavier by the month
  • Fine swords and bows
  • Textiles and Clothing
  • Emerald, Silver, Sapphire, Jewelry
  • Magic Items of various kinds, which are personally escorted by the guard, delivered to Naughtonborough markets
  • A kind of Chocolate (mursallen), and a kind of Cacao (mursa)
  • Sugar (cayal sugar from the cayal tree), and sugar sweets (confections)
Elven horses (slim and speedy, don’t carry much), Darbings Elven cats (favored pets of the rich)
  • Herbs and Alchemicals from the forest
LACQ-ELVEN MAGIC: Druids are held to be the most powerful and respected magic users among the Wood Elves here. For instance, they have devised many different ways of building and animating a Wood Golem, and these creatures sometimes guard villages and particular dwellings or buildings of importance. ...a Wood Golem (CC5ecr3)   Also some more sophisticated cultures in the Lacq forest produce the Lotus Golem (cc5ecr9), a creature drawn from the fey power of the lakes in this region.     LAQC ELVEN SOCIAL CUSTOMS “The Shrug”--If you don’t have anything to add, to a conversation, or to materials of any kind, it’s a shrug of one shoulder up, with eyebrows raised and eyes widened, then palm waved away from the recipient. It is usually followed by a smirk or wily smile.
ELVEN TRADE WITH THE SALLADORI HUMANS TO THE SOUTH   Elves frequent Karrnheit, both as traders and as exchangers of story and culture. Likewise, there are many from Karrnheit who visit the elven cities of the Kallenlakes, and even further into the forest as well. Karrnheiters have a good taste for elven food and goods after over two centuries of relationship, and the elves appreciate the sturdy carpentry and smithing for basic purposes. Sometimes the elves take on Karrnheit fashion as well.   Down the Feywash river, and along the Feyroad. Elves take barges with a number of goods, especially jewelry, magic supplies, and magic items.   Similar goods, along with clothing of particularly fashionable and durable make, come along the Elfroad, down from the north past the Neverland Waste. (This latter route has been used less for security (from hobgoblins) and for reasons of tariffs… The two factores together discourage Elven trade here.)     RESOURCES for CONSUMPTION and TRADE
Heavy tariff from the CIty, getting heavier by the month
  • Fine swords and bows
  • Textiles and Clothing
  • Emerald, Silver, Sapphire, Jewelry
  • Magic Items of various kinds, which are personally escorted by the guard, delivered to Naughtonborough markets
  • A kind of Chocolate (mursallen), and a kind of Cacao (mursa)
  • Sugar (cayal sugar from the cayal tree), and sugar sweets (confections)
  • Elven horses (slim and speedy, don’t carry much), Darbings
  • Elven cats (favored pets of the rich)
  • Herbs and Alchemicals from the forest


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