National Teagmhail League Organization in Locbroalm | World Anvil

National Teagmhail League

Professional Shirdalan national sports league of Teagmhail, a team sport where players use magic to move a ball across the field into the opposing team’s gate.


Regional Conference

  • Buckham Buccaneers
  • Astrid Monarchs
  • Fido Fangs
  • Marshlyn Manticores
  • Gilford Giants
  • Sirius Zodiacs
  • Holn Hurricanes

Crown Conference

  • Drin Drakes
  • Edgewind Zephyrs
  • Oniford Ouroboros
  • Kence Kappas
  • Ulmouth Wyverns
  • Linham Lions
  • Kia Killjoys


The National Teagmhail League was established during the early years of Shirdal as part of a cultural initiative of its early nobles.    The four noble houses contributed to the four original teams: The Buckham Buccaneers, the Astrid Monarchs, the Marshlyn Manticores, and the Gilford Zodiacs. The teams kicked off the first ever series. Historians credit the early national short seasons as critical in helping the people in Shirdal develop regional identities and a sense of unity within the burgeoning Kingdom.   By 1300, the major Noble Houses had sold off the teams to other people. In 1342, Lord Gilford established the National Teagmhail League, and led the effort to expand the league to 10 teams. Working with his long-time friend, Lord Buckham, he helped to create two smaller Conferences under the league, splitting the teams between them. Lord Gilford led the effort to privatize and monetize the League, leading to Commoners and Nobles alike owning team franchises, funding the building of massive arenas, and even more teams.   In 1379, the Commissioner of the NTL created a lower-level, semi-professional “minor league”.   In 1444, the Commissioner of the NTL, the Noble Houses, commoners of significant wealth, and King Astrid worked with academic institutions all over the country to create a school program.   During the 1550’s, the NTL stopped all seasons due to the rise of a plague. A great deal of controversy surrounded this decision. The Noble Houses attempted to petition the King to restart the seasons, but the Monarchy agreed with the NTL Commissioner at the time.
Founding Date
Entertainment, Sports team
Alternative Names
NTL; National Touchball League


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