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Casino Boolin Report

General Summary

After a harrowing first encounter with Thalia, the party recovers from the chaos while making their way into the city by activating Dante's code phrase. During this time, Doyle realizes he can just barely remember the details of who Vivian was and what her relation to their mission may have been, prompting a frightening discussion with Cormac about their power dynamic. Max and Torren proceed to gain entry into the Senate meeting below Basilica Menkalinae, where Max's flash of genius from Adranus guides him through a difficult negotiation with the different senatorial wards. Meanwhile, Doyle, Ro-gin, and Rastos investigate The Lucksmith's Guild in the Casino District.   It is here that they meet with Eloise Astaire, the proprietor of that establishment who they had presumed to have been murdered by Thalia and the Beleron's the day prior. They introduced themselves as concerned parties looking to help her with the possible threat posed by Thalia Nuovis, and asked to enter her vault to look for a speculi. After a brief meeting in a booth in the back of the casino, Eloise pressed a button to rotate the booth into a secret corridor that was her private office, revealing the vault door in the back. Here she explained the network of vaults, and that all three casino's share the protection of their profits, with each vault having an equal percentage of the casino's fortunes, so that the opening of any vault would require permission from all three proprietors.   However, they agreed to meet with Damian Fieris (a gnome who was supposedly sent on vacation to Bell Bay with Bethilda Beleron yesterday) in private under The Dragon's Hoard to reach an understanding about opening their vaults. Once all of the high rollers had been cleared from this underground VIP level of The Dragon's Hoard, Damian Fieris, Eloise Astaire, and their numerous guards were all revealed to be disguised shadar-kai. A battle ensued, where Doyle, Rastos, and Ro-gin were hopelessly outnumbered, and after Ro-gin's untimely demise their priorities instantly shifted to an escape plan. However, Rastos was rendered unconscious and bleeding out by the remaining shadow dancers, and only Doyle was able to reach the main level of The Dragon's Hoard due to his sword's supernatural abilities. A beaten, bloodied Doyle pleaded authorities to react to the scene below, at which point the soul monger re-disguised as Eloise emerged from the same place claiming Doyle had attacked her instead. At this moment, Max, Torren, and Dante arrived on the scene, struggling to make sense of their fallen comrades and the sticky situation Doyle had been forced into.
Elemental Chaos Campaign
Maximillian Alexander Giannascoli Valerius II, Heredis Menkalinae, Herald of the Flame
Torren Fallthorn
Ro-Gin Kalagaino
Doyle LaBarre
Report Date
17 May 2022

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