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Dawn of the Solstice Report

General Summary

The party calms down from their chaotic young purple worm encounter by trekking to the far outskirts of the Menkalinan area with Max's brother, Paxton, seeking refuge for the night in the small, isolated shack of a melon farmer named Djana. After much contemplation, discussion, and melon is had, the party enjoys their final restful slumber before they enter the bubble of Menkalinan in the morning of the next day, except for Ro-gin. Ro-gin is plagued with nightmarish visions of his friends dead or dying with the haunting words, "You could have saved them", burned into his mind as he wakes from a restless sleep, receiving no benefit from the long rest.   As they depart, each person agrees to Djana's demand that a night in her home equates to a day of work on her farm, and Paxton stays behind to fulfill his end of this transaction. Rastos is the first to enter the white static barrier, summoning his wings of lightning, followed by Max with his ring of fire and Doyle with his boots of frost. Ro-gin and Torren discuss the different possible methods of activating Xorfrik's Eye of Timeless Sight before realizing the point of his previous riddle (thanks to Momo) and popping the rock candy into their mouths, briefly giving them the cocoon of energy necessary to protect them from the static.   When they arrive in Menkalinan, they are questioned by a guard named Dante, who "accepts" a bribe to allow them into the city without asking questions, before ignoring that and continuously bombarding them with questions about their mysterious arrival "from the future". Their first destination is Basilica Menkalinae, where they discover no trace of Thalia or her allies in Max's workshop or the Praetorian level of the building, but notice the peculiarly curt behavior of Darius Beleron, a tribune from the High Ward who questions them about their unwarranted presence in Max's father's office. Additionally, Doyle and Torren take note of the emergency senate congregation taking place in the congressional level of the basilica, where they unsuccessfully tried to convince one of the red tiefling guards at their post to allow them entry. Here they found out that a grey tiefling messenger had delivered news earlier that morning that warranted the calling of an emergency meeting.   After this relatively unsuccessful discovery, they head towards the temple of the dark god, where they meet up with Seneca, who, upon seeing Max, is overjoyed to escort the party back to his humble dwelling in the lower residential district. Just barely arriving at Seneca's home and explaining the situation, he demands they leave at once to converse with Evelyn Coleridge, the grey tiefling woman who runs a glass shop that had originally been sent to call the emergency senate meeting upon Seneca's discovery of the barrier surrounding the city.   It is just outside of this glass shop, Vander's Vitreosities, where the party spots the half orc marksman, Jonas, enter a rundown tavern named The Last Stop. Doyle follows him in disguised, and encounters a large, burly silver dragonborn bartender turning his attention toward him after whispering to Jonas and allowing him into the backroom.
Elemental Chaos Campaign
Maximillian Alexander Giannascoli Valerius II, Heredis Menkalinae, Herald of the Flame
Torren Fallthorn
Ro-Gin Kalagaino
Doyle LaBarre
Report Date
17 Dec 2021

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