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Re-do Report

General Summary

After Torren watches Chronus return the Sun from the west back to the east, the party returns to the field of flowers outside of the walls of Menkalinan. An extended conversation with a skeptical Dante yields a cautious escort to Basilica Menkalinae and a limited audience within the emergency senate meeting. Torren, Doyle, and Ro-gin are forced to wait outside, while Max and Rastos are permitted entry.   Upon entering the emergency meeting room with Dante, all three of them catch a momentary glimpse of the Shadowfell merged with the Material Plane in their immediate surroundings, with a massive void of shadow in the center of the room. After seeing this, Dante retracts his earlier skepticism and retreats upstairs to loosen the scrutiny on the remaining party members waiting in the center of the Basilica. Max then takes the stand after his father, and attempts to explain the unique situation of the looping city to the four wards of senators.   Throughout this process, the High Ward is disbelieving, the Harbor Ward is relatively divided, and the Low Ward and Arbor Ward are cautiously understanding of the fact that there is indeed a real threat coming to Menkalinan. After a long and arduous debate with Phineas Beleron, the Senate agrees to hastily develop a plan of action to move citizens away from the four designated locations. The party then slowly trails behind Phineas, who is accompanied by Senator Lewis Fieris, back to the Grexian Heights while Max has a lovely father-son conversation.   Those tracking the senators follow Dante up to the battlements of the cindrin wall, and sneak into the Beleron estate, killing four guards and acquiring a small gray cat in the process. In their interrogation process, Phineas is quickly knocked out after seeing through Torren's attempted deception, and Lewis ends up revealing several bits of key information about the Beleron's dealings with Thalia. Apparently, Damian Fieris and Bethilda Beleron, the head manager and security supervisor of the Beleron-owned casinos respectively, were both sent on vacations two days prior to Bell Bay. Additionally, Eloise Astaire of the Lucksmith's Guild (the only casino that is not Beleron-owned) was instructed to attend a private meeting ALONE at the Beleron estate about selling one of their casinos to her, during which it seemed like foul play may have been involved.   After fleeing the estate and retreating up the wall and out of the Grexian Heights, the crystal keepers are given a key phrase from Dante that will allow them to more quickly connect with him in the beginning of the loop. They are to present him with a chrysanthemum as a "gift from Ambrose", at which point he will believe them entirely much more easily. At this, Dante continues on his way in the city, to alert others of the impending danger, as the party sets out to investigate The Forgotten Monastery of The Way of the Sun Soul.
Elemental Chaos Campaign
Maximillian Alexander Giannascoli Valerius II, Heredis Menkalinae, Herald of the Flame
Torren Fallthorn
Ro-Gin Kalagaino
Doyle LaBarre
Report Date
06 Jan 2022

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