The Time of Dragons

Era beginning/end

30,000 BDR to 24,000 BDR

The Time of Dragons, was the first dragons begin spreading across Faerûn. They soon established the realms of Argissthilliax, Caesinmalsvir, Darastriverthicha and Tharkrixghontix.

~30,000 BDR, the first dragons begin spreading across Faerûn. They soon established the realms of Argissthilliax, Caesinmalsvir, Darastriverthicha, and Tharkrixghontix. Fall of the Aearee Empires. Led by the powerful dragon general Nagamat, the dragons destroyed the empires of the avians.   The great giant god Annam All-Father marries Othea, a lesser demigoddess of Toril. Their union produces eight terrestrial children. The giant realms of Ostoria, Darchar, Grunfesting, Helligheim, Nedeheim and Rangfjell are founded by Annam and his sons.   Araushnee is banished from the elven pantheon and cast into the Abyss. Her son Vhaeraun (who was also banished) and daughter Eilistraee (who chose exile) start wandering on Toril. Araushnee makes a new home for herself named the Demonweb Pits and becomes the demon-goddess Lolth.   ~29,500 BDR, within a few centuries of their arrival on Faerûn, after some of the dragons reached maturity, the giants recognized the great reptiles as powerful and cunning interlopers who threatened their very existence. Soon open warfare rages between giant and dragonkind with the rich resources of Faerûn awaiting the victor.   The Draco Holy Wars begin when religious factions among dragons began to fight over their different philosophies. The most violent conflicts were those fought among the followers of Asgorath.   The Dragonfall War begins when followers of Xymor kill Nagamat, sparking the war between the followers Bahamut and Tiamat which continues unabated in the present day. Tiamat began to breed aberrant creatures known as the Spawn of Tiamat and unleashed them on the followers of Bahamut. To counter them, Bahamut created the Dragonborn to act as his soldiers and knights.   While dragons and giants battled, members of the smaller humanoid races began to carve out their own civilizations.   ~28,000 BDR, the Colossal Kingdom reaches its height, stretching across Faerûn from the Cold Lands to the Vilhon Reach.   ~27,000 BDR, trying to undermine dragon rule, the Fey opened planar gates to allow the first elves to immigrate to Toril. Although most elves were content to remain in small scattered tribes, one group of green elves known as the Ilythiiri negotiated with dragons to allow them to carve out a small kingdom in the south.   ~26,000 BDR to ~25,000 BDR, the Thousand-Year War: An avatar of Garyx led red dragons to invade Ostoria. Eventually, all of dragonkind was drawn into the conflict.   ~26,000 BDR, Othea, the mother of giant kind, pursues a series of unsatisfying affairs with various powers such as Vaprak, father of the ogre race.   Draconic philosophers came to the conclusion that religious fighting was wasteful and that gods who allowed such behavior were not worthy of their worship. This started the dragon's apathy toward their gods, which lasted for thousands of years. Due to this, it was speculated that several members of the original draconic pantheon just died due to the lack of worship.   ~25,500 BDR, Othea begins an affair with Ulutiu, a minor sea god of the Savage Frontier. The union of Othea and Ulutiu ultimately produces four races: firbolg, verbeeg, voadkyn, and fomorian.   ~25,100 BDR, Durothil took a silver dragon mount and became the first known dragonrider.   Elf survivors of the Kingdom of Tintageer (a realm of Faerie) summon the power of elvish High Magic and escape from Faerie to Toril, and found the first elven nation on Faerûn. The elves from Tintageer defeat the great red wyrm Mahatnartorian, Master of the Mountains, although Durothil also died in the battle.   ~25,000 BDR, Ostoria reaches a truce with dragonkind and the Reign of Giants comes to an end. Ostoria has shrunk to only a shadow of its former self. The Colossal Kingdom now occupies only the northernmost edge of Faerûn (present-day Great Glacier and the Cold Lands). Draconic legends first speak of Ironfang Keep, a stronghold built on the cliffs of the White River, overlooking the Dragons’ Sea.   In the First Rage of Dragons, the elves created the Dracorage mythal in a citadel in the northernmost reaches of Toril, tying it to the appearance of the King-Killer Star. This powerful magic incited dragons across Faerûn to madness and mindless destruction, turning them against each other and even against their offspring.   ~24,500 BDR, legends tell that either, Tiamat or the green dragon Caesinsjach, created the first of the dragonspawn, Kurtulmak. Soon afterward, new kinds of dragonspawn began to appear, among them the kobolds and the urds.   Kobolds from Darastrixhurthi discovered Garl Glittergold's gem caves, where the god had stored the soul-gems that contained the souls of the gnomish race. The kobolds enslaved the gnomes. Destruction of Darastriverthicha: Dragons affected by a Rage destroyed the dragon realm of Darastriverthicha.   Destruction of Darastrixhurti, as Garl Glittergold rescued the gnomes while the dragons attacked Darastriverthicha, and then destroyed Darastrixhurti, killing all the kobolds living there and creating the Hidden Lake. Seeking to compensate and protect the kobold and urd races, Asgorath elevated Kurtulmak and Kuraulyek to godhood.   ~24,000 BDR, End of the Time of Dragons: Desperate, a few of the remaining dragon lords try to destroy the Dracorage mythal. Brave avariel defenders sacrifice their lives to protect it, and the dragons are unable to stop the magic fueling the Rage. The avariel race is almost wiped out during this battle.   The great wyrms of the southern lands continuously assault the cities of Mhairshaulk, causing the yuan-ti realm to fall.   Lolth's attention is drawn to Toril for the first time in history, due to the elf Kethryllia Amarillis fighting the demon Haeshkarr in the Demonweb Pits. The Spider Queen begins to seduce dark elves and takes Ka'Narlist as her consort.   Occidian is sacked by a horde of orcs led by Haeshkarr, which then attacks Sharlarion. The invaders are defeated by the elves at great cost.

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