History of Faerun

This is the history of Faerun, Toril.

Days of Thunder

33,500 BDR to 33,500 BDR

The Days of Thunder was an ancient period of Toril's history. This was the time of the fabled creator races, or Iqua-Tel'Quessir in the elven tongue, and many other races still hid in caves.

  • 35,000 BDR to 33,500 BDR
    Time of the Sarrukh
    Era beginning/end

    mpires of the sarrukh, a sauroid creator race, arose around ~35,000 BDR. The first was the realm of Okoth, which came to dominate much of the land that would be Faerûn over the next century.

  • 33,500 BDR to 31,500 BDR
    Time of the Batrachi
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The batrachi were an amphibious race who evolved in the seas, their growth mirroring the sarrukh on land. When they became amphibious, they moved onto the land and supplanted the dinosauroids. The Batrachi Empires rose to power circa 33,500 BDR. They out-competed the rising power of the yuan-ti of Mhairshaulk, ensuring they would never achieve the heights of their creators, the sarrukh.

  • 30,700 BDR to 30,400 BDR
    Time of the Aearee
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The aearee, an avian creator race, the founders of the Aearee Empires, were the creators of the aarakocra, kenku, and other birdlike humanoids.

Dawn Age

30,000 BDR to 24,000 BDR

The Dawn Age, also known as the Age of Dawn, the Time of Dragons, or the Time of Giants, was a period lasting from 30,000 BDR to 24,000 BDR when the powerful empires of the creator races disappeared from the face of Toril and their land was occupied by giants and dragons far more powerful than those of the Present Age. It was a time of constant war for land in Faerûn, that led to the creation of great kingdoms and empires.   Scholars believe the Dawn Age began ~30,000 BDR, when dragons launched devastating attacks against the dominant Aearee Empires throughout the land, air, and underground, creating the first flight of dragons, destroying those nations completely. They also battled against giants over territory, forcing giant kind to yield their lands and flee to the north. Individual dragons and dragon clans came to rule large swaths of territory and battled with their rivals not only for dominion of those lands but also over matters of religious nature as the dragons of this age were devout followers of the Draconic pantheon. Those wars, known as the Draco Holy Wars, led the race to near extinction.   During that time, the "lesser" races (those of primitive humans and other demihumans) were enslaved by the dragon lords. Although some believe the metallic dragons were less brutal masters than the chromatics, a few metallics believe this was not the case.   The Dawn Age came to an end after the first Rage of Dragons had devastated the dragons' civilizations, and elves began to build their first empires in Faerûn, starting the age known as the First Flowering.  

  • 30,000 BDR to 24,000 BDR
    The Time of Dragons
    Era beginning/end

    The Time of Dragons, was the first dragons begin spreading across Faerûn. They soon established the realms of Argissthilliax, Caesinmalsvir, Darastriverthicha and Tharkrixghontix.

First Flowering

24,000 BDR to 12,000 BDR

The First Flowering was a period in Faerûn's history between ~24,000 BDR and ~12,000 BDR. At the start of this period, the elves had split into five major realms: Aryvandaar, Illefarn, Keltormir, Miyeritar, and Shantel Othreier, as well as several smaller ones such as Eiellûr, Ilythiir, Orishaar, Syòrpiir, and Thearnytaar. During the First Flowering, the last of the winged elven race Avariel is believed to have left Faerûn.

  • 24,000 BDR to 12,000 BDR
    The Genesis of the Elven Kingdoms
    Era beginning/end

    Important Dates in the early Elven Kingdoms:

  • 14,700 BDR to 4,500 BDR
    Crown Wars
    Military action

    The Crown Wars were a series of elven wars fought early in the history of Faerûn. Over a period of 3,000 years, the great elven kingdoms participated in five primary conflicts, leading to the near destruction of the elven race.

  • 10,500 BDR to 10,000 BDR
    Descent of the Drow
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Corellon's magic, as directed through his priests and High Mages, transforms the dark elves, whether the corrupt Ilythiiri or others, into the drow. Whether by magic or by the weaknesses that banish them from the sunlit lands, all drow retreat within two months' passing into the Underdark.

Age of Humanity

3,000 BDR to Present

This period began with the decline of the elven and dwarven empires and the flourishing and expansion of the human empires. These new, expanding empires included Calimshan, Imaskar, Jhaamdath, Mezro, Mulhorand, Netheril, Narfell, Raumathar, and Unther.

  • 3,000 BDR to Present
    Age of Humanity
    Era beginning/end

    Of these human empires, that of Netheril represented the genesis of this epoch. Thanks to the discovery of the nether scrolls, they were launched into history. Around 3000 BDR, the Archmage Ioulaum raised the first enclave of Netheril, Xinlenal, through his newly fashioned mythallar. However, all of these human empires left their indelible mark on the Realms, and the influence of their actions was felt for centuries afterward, as three of these nations--Calimshan, Mulhorand, and Unther--survived past this era, albeit in forms much different than seen in this epoch.

  • 26 DR to Present
    Cormyr Founded
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Cormyr was founded in the Year of Opening Doors, 26 DR. Its first king was Faerlthann Obarskyr, son of Ondeth Obarskyr and Suzara Obarskyr. The kingdom was initially formed because the elves and humans in the region needed to get along with each other. Since that time, Cormyr grew by absorbing the realms of Esparin and Orva and claiming the Stonelands as its own.

  • 714 DR
    Weeping War
    Military action

    The Weeping War was a battle that culminated on 15 Flamerule, 714 DR, in which the Akh'Velahr (the army of Cormanthor) were defeated by the invading demonic forces named the Army of Darkness, leading to the fall of the elven city of Myth Drannor, the greatest and most powerful bastion of civilization by far at the time.

Era of Upheaval

1358 DR to 1487 DR

The Era of Upheaval was the time period between Time of Troubles of 1358 DR and the Second Sundering of the decade of the 1480s DR. The Era of Upheaval was part of the historical period known as the Present Age.

  • 1358 DR to 1487 DR
    Era of Upheaval
    Era beginning/end

    Most scholars believed that the Era of Upheaval started with the calamitous event known as the Time of Troubles, which took place in 1358 DR when the gods were cast down from the Upper planes and roamed the land incarnated as mortals. The chaos of the Time of Troubles left a lasting mark on the world. When Lord Ao destroyed the Tablets of Fate, he unraveled the laws of Realmspace, and the worlds of Abeir and Toril, separated since the Tearfall, began to join once again.

  • 1358 DR to 1369 DR
    Bhaalspawn crisis
    Military action

    The Bhaalspawn Crisis, also known as the War of the Bhaalspawn, was a great conflict that broke out on the Sword Coast and the Lands of Intrigue in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR.
    “So long as Bhaal's Throne of Blood stands empty, chaos shall reign.”
    — Unknown

  • 1374 DR to 1376 DR
    Cormanthor War
    Military action

    The Cormanthor War was a very complex war that ended with the restoration of an elven kingdom in Myth Drannor.

  • 1385 DR to 1395 DR
    Effects of the Spellplague
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Spellplague, called the Blue Breath of Change by the inhabitants of Abeir, was a disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves on the date of Tarsakh 29 in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, and was caused by Mystra's assassination at the hands of Cyric and Shar. It continued for a decade, leading to the Wailing Years, during which arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toril was transformed.

  • 1485 DR to Present
    Current Events, 1485 DR to Present
    Era beginning/end

    From the end of the cataclysms that marked the previous century, a Faerun continues...