Current Events, 1485 DR to Present

Era beginning/end

1485 DR to Present

From the end of the cataclysms that marked the previous century, a Faerun continues...

1410 DR, The Shou people from Kara-tur (the Asian continent in Faerun) have come to Cormyr and Independent Kingdoms, nowhere more than Nathlehk, where, by 1490, they held total sway.   1485 DR, After the almost constant wars of the 14th and 15th centuries, all of the kingdoms, Cormyr, The Northern City-states, the Independent Kingdoms, are all rebuilding. The Guild of Constructors, the only builders allowed to construct buildings in all of Cormyr are booked for years solid with work for the Queen and State of Cormyr.   1489 DR, Hookem Epidemic in Cormyr: The highly addictive and destructive drug, hookem, is spreading through the nation of Cormyr like wildfire. The poor and indigent, with little hope of any improvement, have turned to the short euphoria that hookem provides. While no one can say for certain, Westgate and the Crime Syndicates who run that city are the likely culprits.   1489 DR, Dalelands & Cormyr Infested: After the wars earlier the in 15th century, bands of orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and evil humans are still scattered throughout Cormyr and the Dalelands. While the Purple Dragons have expanded their patrols, the roads are still more deadly than normal.   1489 DR, Slavery wracks the Dragoncoast & Dragonmere. The scourge of slavery has struck in Cormyr and all of the Independent Kingdoms in and around the Dragoncoast. All of the kingdoms are allied against this new menace and have offered a substantial reward but the slavery continues unabated.   1490 DR, Reports of small groups of giants moving about don't he Giant's Plain and Giant's Run Mountians.

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