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The Red Dragon Sanguine did not allow people into his lair on a high, isolated, geothermal vent on a peak out of any sense of kindness or respect. He's in it for the treasure, pure and simple. It's a tough place to live, with common small earthquakes, almost nonexistent precipitation, and the water that is there is warm and tainted by sulfur. Monuments to the dragon's power stand throughout, telling the grim story of his life, the enemies he has slain, and the nations he has conquered. Sanguine can hear through open flames tinged dark red, hissing and crackling constantly, throwing off embers and showers of sparks. For a city called Indulgence one has to ask, why would anyone live there?   Rocky fissures form portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire, allowing creatures of fire into the world. To them, Indulgence is an improvement. Sanguine hand selects the strongest beings on Loom and grants them the finest lifestyle. They are happy to take on the struggles of the city for the respect of the Red Dragon himself. For everyone else, Indulgence serves the finest food on the planet, especially if you like spicy heat. The one ephemeral treasure Sanguine will accept.

Survive the Test of Time

The Red Dragon loves gold above all other precious metals and is entranced by its gleam, its luster, and the sound of its chime. He's amassed quite the hoard of gold coins from rent and taxes, along with red and fiery gemstones such as rubies and fire opals. Sanguine usually favors items made of metal and stone, which can survive the test of time. Many such items in an ancient red dragon’s hoard might be hundreds or thousands of years old. They tend to eschew treasures that burn, such as leather, paper, and cloth items.  
  Except for an amazing meal. Sanguine never thought that hard about his meals in the old days, but has grown quite satisfied with what smaller creatures can make for him. Nothing is better than to sleep and dream upon his hoard with the warmth of a full belly.


In Indulgence, there are no rules other than those you choose for yourself. If you desire a thing, then it must be yours and yours alone. Only the strongest survive and prosper, so to thrive there you must be the strongest of all. It is important to remind smaller creatures of the true extent of your power, they must acknowledge all that you have achieved and treat you with the utmost respect. If they don't? Pain and fear are the most powerful tools. With them, any creature’s will can be broken.  
  Despite the high level of danger in Indulgence, although Sanguine's power and life span are vast, they have merely whetted his appetite for immortality. He's pleased by the adoration of smaller creatures, his treasures, his beautiful baubles, won through strength and cunning. What you have, you must protect. Fire destroys, but it can also temper when it is applied carefully—if the material tested is strong enough. Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh. If these foolish creatures only knew they were but pawns in the games Sanguine plays to amuse himself.


Indulgence uses a kraterocrat government, as in a government based on coercive power, by those strong enough to seize control through physical violence. Similar to martial law with even less collective control. Weapons are allowed in every establishment so you better be skilled with your own.   Sanguine also supports overpowering and killing his own Councilor to take their place. So long as he has the strongest dragonborn.

Industry & Trade

Open trade with the Elemental Plane of Fire, importing of cooking ingredients


Sanguine's treasured sights around the city include:
  • A hammered metal brazier elaborately etched and set with polished obsidian, which sits atop a stand holding rare incense blends
  • A beautifully inlaid mosaic map of the city
  • A life-sized basalt statue of a fierce knight, weapon raised to strike, which might be the preserved form of an actual knight turned to stone
  • The blackened skull of a young dragonborn that has been etched with designs and decorated with gems
  • A tiered fountain filled with liquid gold that is cool to the touch, but immediately hardens if removed from the fountain
  • A statue of the red dragon with gemstones for eyes
  • A detailed, life-sized elf skull cast in precious metal
  • A game board and a complete set of pieces, all carved and inlaid with precious and semiprecious stones (the dragon is fond of playing the game but has few worthy opponents)
  • A fist-sized gemstone carved into a likeness of the dragon’s head
  • A set of precious metal tablets containing ancient lore
  • A beautifully wrought crown set with fiery gemstones, possibly the legacy of a lost empire
  • A beautiful polished sphere of rainbow obsidian, set on a wrought-gold stand
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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