Ether Storm

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Ether Storms are manifestations of the anomaly that lies within the Etherio's Scar, and are considered another magical anomaly of the same level as the region itself. To this day, it has not been confirmed whether it is one storm or several, as it is impossible to make a visual confirmation or use sensitivity to Ether due to the randomness of its visibility and effects.

Unlike elemental storms, which originate from the instability of a specific element over others, Ether storms are based on a total instability of the Ether. Think of it as the concept of properties of all existing things: height, mass, location, degradation, transformation, nature, quantity of particles, etc. Ether storms are capable of altering all these properties simultaneously or none, both immediately and after exposure. It can turn a fireball into a square of water and make it explode into rays shaped like concatenated eyes. This latter example is not just any example but the testimony of several explorers during one of the many research incursions made when the Scar was even more unknown than it is today.

The difference between the natural anomaly in the region and that which exists during the storm has to do with the interaction of Ether itself. The Scar acts passively, though not imperceptibly, while the storm disrupts ether control and mana, being especially detrimental to users of the latter as it can displace internal organs.

Today, the use of apusian materials, as well as several Impure Ether Crystals (IECs), is imperative. The former isolate explorers, while the latter absorb spikes of Ether that can cause burst.

Cover image: by J. Emslie


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Aug 6, 2024 16:58 by Marc Zipper

Cool and deadly storm nice article

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Aug 16, 2024 18:53

This is an interesting phenomena. Be careful or you might just end up walking out of the Scar the size of a hobbit, lol. A fun read :D