Lucian Escribano

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It's not often one gets the chance to write about a colleague, since we in the Guild of Scribes never get the credit we deserve. But anyway, we’re here to talk about the bastard... the incredible Lucian Escribano. If I may say so, this man has some impressive guts. That Merlin Etherium, the... "untouchable," might have been cursed? Well, he says it and gets the title of Wise, of course!

I have to say the guys who worked with him did a magnificent job on How to Train Your Curse, an amazing book, which even I, who works reading, couldn’t finish. That thing is more of a weapon than a comprehendo... compiendo... compendium. No wonder he’s not married if he spends his time working on these bookshelf terrorists... Get out more, Lucian, don’t be like me! Even if you're balding, you’re still young! Don’t end up like poor Poseidonio... At least that guy knew love! Don’t punish yourself, man, what happened wasn’t your fault and we all know it.

I Think the Title Went Here

But not everyone loves Lucian as much as I do; the bugger has dedicated himself to touching on all the forbidden topics... Did you know he’s critical of the elves in his works? He fights with the printer all the time, but in the end, he always ends up publishing what he wants. Though I must say, when that beautiful elf came that one time, we all got nervous, and not because she was the first woman to set foot in this place!! bn k cvbn um7ly89hbn ... hahaha... I think I’m drunk.

So, yeah, the bugger had been very direct with the elves and thought the silvies would come to chop off his head... But it turns out she came to provide more information on his articles!! The bugger has a stunner as a fan!

What was her name? Ah.. yes, it was...
Dear readers, we regret to inform you that this draft mistakenly slipped into print, and due to time constraints, we had to release this batch of the publication. If you wish to exchange it for the correct version, we encourage you to claim it at the bookstore where you receive your monthly publication, and we will ensure it reaches you in the next shipment at no additional cost.   —Sincerely, The @Guild
— A hastily attached opaque paper covers most of the article.


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Aug 17, 2024 16:17

I like the premise that there is a bard, or a group, that will publish alternate accounts of history. It would be interesting to hear how they acquired the knowledge of events not presented in the widely accepted narrative. This is the sort of thing I have in the background of my worldbuilding. I like to begin "quests" with a statement that what you think you know about the world isn't true, or at least the whole story.   I would have liked to hear some of the clarifications shared by the elf visitor.

Aug 25, 2024 19:53 by Sylver Shine

Thanks for the feedback!   Yeah, I have plans to write about the advisor, as it is an interesting character, but I'm waiting for the end of Summer Camp as I would like to rewrite a couple of things in general. As a treat, I will tell you in advance that she hates humans and that I will write about the conversation that they had.

Aug 30, 2024 13:28

I really like that it trully looks like a draft that was never meant to see the light of day. Would have to see more like this.