Silver Rose

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The Silver Rose is a badge worn by members of the Silver Guard. It symbolizes the beauty of their faith in the coexistence of two species that have caused each other so much harm. It is awarded once the entrance exam to the organization is passed, which includes overcoming a complicated spell that tests the faith of its candidates.

The badge is a jewel made of Mithril a very valuable elven metal, similar to silver but with particular properties that make it a perfect object for creating spells, which is why it is used for this occasion. When a cadet completes their entry, they take an oath over the flower, binding the jewel and soldier until death separates them. After taking the oath and holding it for the first time, it cannot be picked up by anyone else without the owner's permission, who only has to think of giving it for the flower to allow itself to be held by someone other than its master.

The Most Loyal Jewel

This complicated system was created with the sole mission of making it extremely difficult to impersonate a Silver Guard. To facilitate this, all the flowers respond to a command regardless of who says it: "May your faith bloom and show me the color of your honesty." Upon receiving the command, the flower will glow faintly and change to the color the person who said it is thinking of. This way, any citizen, regardless of their status, can trust who is in front of them.

In case it is lost, no one will be able to pick up the flower from where it falls, and if the owner wishes, it will transmit its location by creating a glow in the guard's imagination, overlaying whatever they are looking at. It can be seen with closed eyes if desired. In case of betrayal, the jewel will burn and fall to the ground, blackened by the flames. In case of death, the petals of the rose will close forever. It will store memories that its owner wanted to leave behind, and they can only be seen by those to whom the memory or message was intended. These memories will be transmitted to the mind just by touching the closed petals. All closed flowers are kept and displayed on the second floor of the Spire in @Arge.


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Aug 30, 2024 14:38

Really love this. most people when presented with the word belief will go to religion but belief in figures is also very important.