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Doloran is a cursed land, plagued by countless rebellions, wars, and the resting ground of more than half a million graves, a constant reminder of the lives lost at the Battle of the Cleanse. It has been 700 years, yet the bloodshed’s ramifications are still felt, the entire continent now catering to pilgrimages to the battlefield, all while fighting to maintain its own culture.   The continent, firmly in the grasp of the pureblood Duthdar Dragonborn or “short-tails,” is now an uneasy calm, the lives of its citizens observed in something akin to a military state. On the roads, citizens will find roaming patrols of the fierce Yentarian mercenary soldiers employed by the Empire, the unyielding hammer beating the sword into submission. Doloran is a place of death, its citizens making the best of a trying situation.   Brief History The birthplace of the Dragonborn, Doloran, is a warrior culture, a byproduct of the passion and rage breathed into their creation by the Fire Prime. Under the vengeful eyes of their God, the Dragonborn forged war machines, perfected the art of combat, and set forth an unyielding mindset that still defines the race. Murals in the lost halls of Anook displayed the creation of Dragonborn, depicting lava flowing from Inferno’s Gate to the surrounding landscape, forming the solid shell of the race.   In the continent’s heart, Anook was founded, the Dragonborn mastering the resources of their home, developing the basis of modern metalworking. For 2000 years, the culture was one of strength and warfare as the Prime whispered into the ear of its Champions the war against the other races to come. However, as the Champions left and generations passed, the population became unfocused, and their God was no longer their guide.   When the Champions returned, they were blindsided by a “weakened” race, their shores infested by their enemies. Betrayed by their own kind and their God, the Champions waged a campaign to take back their homeland and, in this effort, found Byvenstrijun. Rallying under their strongest, Dystren Duthdar, the beginnings of the Dragonborn Divergence took root, a civil war that would stain Doloran for over 400 years. In the end, the Dragonborn was divided. However, the victory of the Duthdars solidified their claim to rule a dynasty that still rules today.   When the blue star appeared, the Duthdar Empire propagated it as a test to see if the population would forsake their God for the cheap gifts of the sun. The magic expansion was forbidden, and the old way was maintained at all costs. Thus more seeds of discontent were sowed, and rebellions arose, wielding the sun’s power. As fear gripped the Empire, the threat of a lost dynasty, their steadfastness to their God was answered as the enemy’s magic was stripped, and the ground froze beneath their feet.   Committing the most disrespectful act toward their creator, the Empire consolidated under the once sacred volcano, praying to Byvenstrijun to bring safety to the faithful. For 500 years, the Duthdar used their God-given right to rule to suppress the population and root out all signs of rebellion. Then, with absolute control, those found guilty were publically banished, and their bodies were frozen in exile, a reminder of the consequence of treason.   When the population emerged, they witnessed the radical change to the topography of their beloved continent, the landmass now divided into four. Unable to effectively rule from Anook, the Empire was divided into four direct heirs given absolute control over the re-establishment of their regions.   So firm was the Empire’s grip that when foreigners appeared on their shores during the latter part of this era, they were met with suspicion and fear. Understanding the importance of trade, the visitors were remanded to port cities only. Only Dragonborn are allowed to roam their home continent.   This perception was altered at the nexus event, as the Empire lost control of their lands, and hundreds of thousands appeared on their shores to fight a foreign war on their soil. In the volcano’s shadow, the ground was soaked with blood, the agonizing spirits adding to the death that had already plagued the continent. With so many dead and the capital destroyed along with its residents, the Empire continues to fight for survival, a war whose winner is still uncertain.   The Duthdar Empire Ruler: Emperor Rhogar Duthdar   Undisputed, the word of the Emperor and his heirs is law, a mandate given to the Duthdar name by Byvenstrijun. The Empire, now broken into three regions, the lower island too cursed to be viable, act autonomously through final authority remains with the Emporer who currently resides in Dimbar.   While the Dragonborn reconstitute their numbers, the Empire is in league with the arcane-enhanced militia known as the Yentairan, who provide governance assistance, enforce strict Dragonborn cultural norms, provide protection within city limits, and escort royals, merchants, and pilgrimages. Citizens are under Imperial decree to obey the Yentarian as though they speak with the words of the Duthdar family.   Unlike other dynasties, the right to rule is not based on time of birth but instead earned through public opinion and adherence to Dragonborn culture. Technically speaking, the next Emperor can be any Dragonborn citizen. However, the rule has not fallen outside the Duthdars since the Dragonborn Divergence.   Geography East-West: 1656 miles North-South: 1472 miles Area: 2,437,632 m2   While considered a single continent, Doloran is technically four massive landmasses separated by the Sea of Souls. Doloran remains a vibrant and thriving continent. However, its flora and fauna have been radically altered, a byproduct of the blood-soaked lands that feed into the Sea of Souls.   Doloran is located on the eastern side of the Great Still Ocean, with access to Nearon and Veritas, but is cut off from Telsmir by a perpetual whirlpool and lack of viable undercurrents. The continent features moderate temperatures year-round and can experience light snow during the Peak of the Season of the Freeze (SoF).   Flora and Fauna Doloran is diverse in its wildlife and creature inhabitants hosting all manner that do not require extreme climates to survive. Plants tend to diverge into deeper reds and purple the closer they grow to historic battlefields, with herbalists marking common plants as separate species due to their unique uses in medicines, tonic, and potion making. Due to the overall sparse population and haunted regions, the continent features large swaths of unexplored forest and scarred earth, making hunting plentiful and danger persistent.   CONTINENTAL PLANT AND ANIMAL Blood Oak Tree: Strong, bold, and hearty, the oak is featured in many prominent courtyards to symbolize its lasting power. This oak has a much longer lifespan than those found on other continents.   Emperor Squid: A creature of survival, the squid hides in plain sight before pouncing on its enemies. In the shallows of the Great Still Ocean, the 30ft reach of these creatures make them a fearsome beast for all marine animals and even smaller vessels.   SEA TRAVEL Two viable port cities exist on Doloran, the royal port at Whiterun and the industrial port city of Carran. In addition, a strong undercurrent out of Rivermouth has been discovered, with dangerous voyages to Zeto possible for the bold.   Whiterun - East Run, Nearon Standard Vessel: 55 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 22 days Carran - Old Ashton, Veritas Standard Vessel: 63 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 25 days   Western Duthdar Empire Northern Duthdar Empire Eastern Duthdar Empire   Demographics This continent purposely contains a majority of Dragonborn and is the least diverse among all continents. Doloran host the second smallest population in Gia, second only to the tundra continent of Aerilon. Significant contributing factors include the Dragonborn Divergence, continual rebellions, the Great Freeze purge, the Battle of the Cleanse, and the destruction of the Capital Anook. Doloran is a continent recovering, struggling to protect its legacy while striving to survive.   Culture The Duthdar Dragonborn culture is the predominant factor behind life on the continent and influences all decisions by the Empire. While trade is open to Carran and Whiterun, those outside the Dragonborn race will find it challenging to maintain an existence in other cities unless one is willing to ultimately prescribe to Dragonborn culture.   Duthdar Dragonborn culture can be defined as family-centric, respecting elders, placing communal needs above personal gains, and being avid students of the warrior and the history of Doloran.   The Art of War In the blood of all Dragonborn flows the passion, furiously, and desire to show strength. No matter the profession a citizen finds themselves in, they are warriors first. All Dragonborn are taught the ways of combat by the local elders upon age 8, with collaborative practices a common sight within cities. When danger arrives, there are no citizens on the sidelines. Everyone takes up their blade to join the fray.   Duthdar Tail Clip After the second rebellion, the Empire sought a means for citizens to show their loyalty. In the warmth of Inferno’s Gate, all new generations had their tails clipped upon birth, a troubling but unavoidable extension of the Emperor’s power. This show of loyalty remains in place today, and all those who do not wish to partake are banished from the Empire. When encountering a new Dragonborn, a quick look confirms or denies their allegiance to the Duthdar Empire.   Custom and Training Centers Upon arrival to Carron or Whiterun, those not registered with the Empire must undergo familiarization and, if they wish to become residents, loyalty training before advancing inward. In addition, centers cover respect given to Elders, Dragonborn observance days, authority figures (Yentarian), and royal protocols.   Yentarian   Yentarian Insignia Art by: Jemileo   Governance Doloran is controlled by the Duthdar Empire, the Emperor residing in the city of Dimbar. To enforce the Empire’s will, direct members of the bloodline and a garrison of Yentarian are assigned to each of the regional Empires. The heirs have absolute autonomy to govern how they see fit as long as it lines up with Duthdar principles and tithes continue to be paid to the capital.   Heirs Unlike a traditional transition of power to the eldest, the Duthdar believes in selecting the heir with the most remarkable qualities and potential to rule and bring honor to the dynasty. As such, the heirs over the Eastern, Northern, and Western Empires remain in constant competition to create a prosperous environment while maintaining a strict interpretation of the Dragonborn culture.   Enforcement - Yentarian The Empire lives under common law, which broadly states that no personal actions should cause harm to other citizens of Doloran and that all efforts should be for the betterment of society. While room exists for interpretation, the system functions overall with the Yentarian acting as the enforcement agent. Situations that arise are dealt with swiftly, typically settled by the responding unit, and carried out in full public view. Interfering in the Yentarian business could be classified as a moderate offense.   The Yentarian is an elite fighting force well above Gia’s average guard or militia. Secretly trained in the Dimbar mountain range, their power source is unknown even to the Emperor. The organization fights as one, each undistinguishable from another outside a colored cloak that signifies rank. If one were to remove the armor or the soldier perished, the items and body would disintegrate.   The Yentarian follow a strict chain of command where orders are obeyed instantly and without question. The Yentarian exercise complete loyalty.   Ranks Red: Rank and File Soldier Blue: Squad Leader Yellow: City Leader Sage: Regional Leader Gold w/emblem: High Counsel   VIOLATIONS Minor Offenses: Fines, acquisition of property   Moderate Offense: Jail Time   Severe Offense: Public Execution by City Leader   Economics Imports and exports of Doloran are heavily regulated by the Empire, artificially creating shortages and excess to increase monetary gain. As a result, local merchants fall victim to larger trading guilds that can survive a financial drought, making anything but Alata Guild-backed merchants practically extinct. Instead, caravan protection services play a vital role in the economy, protecting the long roads from nightmare-fueled dangers that prowl the extensive forest.   However, Doloran produces significantly more crops than its population requires, making food cheap and starvation non-existent. Excess is magically or mundanely preserved and shipped to Veritas under a newly established trade agreement with the Coal Fell Council. In exchange, Veritas provides an abundance of raw diamonds and gemstones, a critical reagent in spell craft theory and practice.   Mithril The Dimbar Mountain Range possesses the only natural Mithril deposit. The material is light and malleable, perfect for armor, weapon manufacturing, and housing enchantments. However, exporting this material is rare outside the agreements with the Yentarian and the Mythathaes Elves.   The Empire is in constant turmoil with the Thromp Giant Clans in the Storm Lands over the mining for Mithril. While diplomatic efforts have been made with mild success, the Giants tend to change terms as they see fit making continual operations impossible. Trading with Nearon The civil war that split the Dragonborn race made all trade with Nearon heavily scrutinized. A zero-tolerance approach was implemented to imports and exports from the Dragon’s Coast or Emberton.   Alata Trading Guild   Currency of their own Name: Duthdar Deplume   While platinum, gold, silver, and copper are welcome in all cities, the Duthar Deplume remains a highly sought-after currency. Minted from Mythril and stamped with the Emperor symbol and a unique number, only 70 minted coins are circulated. Deplumes do not hold an inherent value but are exchanged for favors or highly sought-after items. It is said the wealthiest person on Doloran is the one who has the most Deplumes.   Dragonborn Celebrations Celebration dates are taken incredibly seriously by all citizens of Doloran, with only the bare minimum completed on these occasions. Mass family gatherings around large, correctly seasoned meals are typically observed these days. However, displays of martial prowess occasionally bring fun and excitement to such celebrations. The following are the significant celebrations that are observed continent-wide.   Jungi’s Fall: 52 SoT   A continental-wide celebration for the fall of the Titan Crocidile Jungi, who carved large swaths of eastern Doloran before being brought down on modern-day Rivermouth. This one day out of the 1000-day year is met with outrageous parties that break the typical stoic disposition of the Dragonborn culture.   Dragonborn Divergence Anniversary: 235 SoG   A day to remember all Duthdar lives lost defeating the military coup of the Embertons. Celebrations include family gatherings, food consumption, and remembering the war heroes.   Cleanse Remembrance: 35 SoG   A day in silent contemplation. Trips to look upon Inferno’s Gate have become more popular, coupled with an evening of somber remembrance. Recently, there has been a growing movement to journey to spiritual hotspots to commune with the dead.   Empire Week: 100-1-9 SoH   Week-long celebration in the middle of the season to thank the Empire for the bountiful harvest. The week is taken off by all citizens, with food and drink shared by all.

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