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Dubbed the last free trading continent, the land of giant beasts, or the shimmering desert, Veritas is the most unforgiving but inhabitable continent. Veritas features a localized governance structure that borders on lawlessness and appeals to those seeking to make their fortune at personal risk. In addition, the continent hosts the only naturally occurring dinosaur population and a unique geothermal property that maintains the very high ground temperature and causes erratic steam eruptions. This creates a desert-like environment, with pockets of flora maintained by natural and magically altered water sources.
  Brief History Veritas has existed since creation. However, it wasn’t until the second era that it was discovered by the sentient races, the Doloran Dragonborn and the Irragin Gnomes. Even during this time, the continent was viewed as extreme, its giant lumbering beast and scorching temperatures hindering mass migration or interest. Small settlements were constructed around water sources, and the population grew slowly, capped by the need for external resources. This all changed as the planet’s crust began to freeze.
  Veritas’s unique geothermal property features steam pockets at various depths beneath the ground heating the surface from beneath. This property was crucial, maintaining a livable temperature through the Great Freeze. It provided a cold but viable environment to sustain life for all that reached its shores. Using the mass communication systems developed during the Age of Amplification calls of salvation were broadcast to the corners of Gia, and with the waning power of Mion, thousands arrived. From desert to an oasis, the continent blossomed, the soil turned fertile, and the lands green.
  During this period, inquisitive minds sought answers to the geothermal properties, leading teams of experts into the planet’s crust. Expeditions made two crucial discoveries; massive deposits of coal, gems, and diamonds within the crescent-shaped mountains and what appeared to be an undiscovered landscape beneath the crust, the first glimpses of the underdark. The capital of Coal Fell was established within the crescent, a gate to riches and a barrier for the terrors beneath the surface.
  As the rest of the world emerged to repopulate, Veritas took a drastic turn back to its original state. The green rolling hills turned to dry deserts, and only small portions of the continent could support life again. Regardless, those who made Veritas their home tended to remain, their diverse descendants now today’s thriving population. Veritas is one of the youngest civilizations on the planet, with a delicate balance of preserving freedom and ensuring individual livelihood.
  Geography East-West: 2760 miles North-South: 644 miles Area: 1,777,440 m2
  Veritas resides on the southeastern portion of the Still Water Ocean, with its eastern tip only a few miles from the boundary of The Depths of Sedgedon. Most of the landmass is desert featuring very fine yellow-brown sand created by a unique geothermal layer of heated steam and magma close to the surface. The sea-level surface temperature does not dip below 95 degrees Fahrenheit, with warmer seasons pushing temperatures upward of 150 degrees. While settlements and roadways have been established in “safe zones,” the threat of steam eruption remains. Exposure to such an explosive vent met with certain death.
  Flora and Fauna Lush plant life is scarce. However, two extensive forests exist, one near the capital of Coal Fell and the other surrounding the Oasis. Both contain thick undergrowth and sweltering jungle temperatures as heat is trapped beneath the thick canopy. Thick vines infest the forest, which tends to bear colorful fruits. History annotates that this forest was magically enhanced and cultivated using various plants brought by the fleeing population before the freeze.
  Veritas has a unique dominant lumbering beast named a dinosaur. These beasts range from tiny to gargantuan, herbivores to carnivores. They have been incorporated into everyday life as beasts of burden. Due to this domestication, and reduction of wild prey, a constant threat of predators is present, with caravans, stables, or pens endangered. Within the shimmering deserts, massive herds move from vegetation to vegetation.
  CONTINENTAL PLANT AND ANIMAL Turren Vine Turren Vine: This sage vine in the jungles has a callous exterior but houses sweet and nutritious nectar. This vine can be found in higher-end marketplaces and worn over your shoulder as you slowly enjoy its contents. Unfortunately, attempts to cultivate the vine outside the sleeping forest have failed, and its increase in popularity risks extinction.
  Tyrannosaurus Rex: The most feared of land animals, the slaying of one automatically elevates a hunter’s status. Although attempts at commercializing a hunt were made, the beast proved too brutal and is no longer considered a sport beast. Meat from this animal is extremely tough and typically made into seasoned jerky, a delicacy, or the rich.
  SIGNIFICANT LANDMARKS Arthanon Reservoir. The largest freshwater body on Veritas, the name derives from an archmage who made their home in the northern mountain range and is credited with the purification of the water quality that now supports life in the capital.
  Boiling Inlet. This shallow portion of the Great Still Ocean is a natural hot spring and growing retreat location. While rare, rapid increases in temperature have boiled guests.
  Debris Islands. In the direct path of an undercurrent, lost cargo and even sunken ships have washed up on these shores, making them a popular salvage location for those brave enough to take on the small carnivorous dinosaurs which flourish.
  Dragon’s Eye Island. The staging location of the “Armada” against the Yentarian, this island was the original place of worship to Kiljar. Rarely visited, the island is now home to pirates and outcasts forced to depart Veritas.
  Exploding Fields. A volatile area that erupts regularly without warning and is deemed unsafe for travel. However, this has yet to deter all; it has become home to those who do not wish to be followed.
  Hunted Descent. A natural geographical bottleneck, it has been reinforced to prevent the migration of predatory dinosaurs to the northwestern portion of Veritas, which houses a major port, trading lodges, and a massive dinosaur breeding and training facility.
  Kiljar’s Peak. The lair of the Legendary Golden Dragon, the visage of the dragon on the side of the mountain marks the barrier of mortals, no human reaching the pinnacle of the mountain.
  Nocturne Island. A failed luxury botanical resort, this location is immune to the heat which defines Veritas. The island is said to host deadly and exotic flora, preventing it from being inhabited.
  Path to Pentence. A punishing route with no access to fresh water, this path is the final trial for those seeking to join the Order of the Dragon at Whitehall Abby. Located in predator territory, those that fall to the heat are quickly consumed, leaving no trace of their existence.
  Sifter Territory. Unofficially claimed by the desert Firbolg wind riders, the Sifter tends to remain primarily isolated, using Aramoor as a resupply haven and defending their borders with their sand sailboats.
  Sleeping Forest. A product of the Great Freeze, the forest was an initiative to maintain the various plants from across Gia for repopulation once the globe’s warmth returned. Its name derives from the invasive Daydream Flower of Aerilon, which lulls victims in with its pheromones before lashing out, the lifeless body fueling their expansive root systems.
  Veritas Fumes. Thought to be a natural ventilation for the geothermal activity below Veritas’s crust. The land is sulfurous and uninhabitable. It’s sent wafting and infecting the port city of Erast.
  SEA TRAVEL Veritas hosts three port cities of Pran, Erast, and Old Ashton. Convenient access to the undercurrents has been vital to Veritas’ success, as the growing population requires external resources to survive.
  TRAVEL TIME REQUIRED Erast - Lamora, Telsmir Standard Vessel: 40 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 16 days Pran- Lullin, Irragin Standard Vessel: 57 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 23 days Old Ashton - Carran, Doloran Standard Vessel: 63 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 25 days Demographics Veritas’s population is the most diverse, however to the discerning eye, one will notice a slight screwing toward races that are more tolerant toward warmer climates, such as Tieflings, Dragonborn, Humans, Half-Orcs, and the illusive Desert Firbolgs. The population is divided into two main factions. The first are the descendants of the Great Freeze, and are likely to be influential, well-off, and property owners. The second faction is the wealth seekers capitalizing on the robust coal, gem, and diamond stores in the Coal Fell Crescent. These individuals are transient, clogging up taverns and streets or using more temporary ways to live as they find their fortune.
  Culture The land of 1000 cultures, Veritas does not have a common thread to bind them as a people. Instead, a city, a market, and even a house can comprise decorations or customs from all of Gia in its purest form or with a regional twist. All common languages can be heard in a watering hole or local tavern, and all continental games are played. This creates an exciting dynamic as newcomers tend to lose their coins to the various rulesets being presented.
  Amid the chaos, Veritas is still seeking to determine its own path, more recent events providing the spark toward a central foundation. Under the banner of Kiljar the Protector common iconology, color schemes, and customs have emerged. Society has shifted toward holding the immortal in the highest regard, his game nearly synonymous with a God.
  Houses and Garments With flavors from all around Gia, each has been tailored for the unique needs of Veritas as the heat dictates all facets of life. Outfits are light and colorful, with a duster always available for the inevitable sandstorms that plague the continent. Houses are constructed to displace heat with only neutral or light tones to ensure the sun’s heat is reflected and not absorbed. Dubbed the Veritas Hotplate, all kitchens host a mechanism to draw the natural heat of the surface to a cooking surface, as fire is only used when absolutely required.
  Defining Event: Kiljar’s Protection In the year 200 PC, the world weakened by the events and aftermath of the Cleanse, the Yentarian, the elite forces of Doloran, mounted an offensive to seize control and the natural resources of Veritas. The Yentarian forces, possessing far superior equipment and maritime vessels, bore down on the cobbled-together 10-vessel “armada” quickly assembled by the traders and farmers of Veritas. Led by the Order of the Peacekeepers, efforts to keep the force from the mainland were made, and a realization that sacrifice was the only sure method. Head held high, the volunteer force used the undercurrent to push their forces forward to meet the enemy at sea.
  As the Yentarian launched their first cannon volley and decks splintered beneath the Veritasian fleet, a thunderous roar echoed across the mountains. Two gold wings appeared on the horizon, their path beating toward the ongoing destruction. It descended. From its throat, flame, and death erupted in violent terror, the flames dancing between ships striking only the Yentarian. As the first ships started their final journey to the depths, the rest turned and fled, gaining nothing and losing everything.
  Before the victors, Kiljar hung in the air, its massive wings beating and calming the hearts of all those who remained to witness. Across their bows, the Ancient Beast spoke, “Brave souls, you have nothing to fear. From Kiljar’s Peak, my protection will always be.” Then, in an explosion of fire, the savior vanished, his breath remaining to guide the Armada to shore.
  In his name, The Festival of the Golden Dragon is held each year. Ten days of tribute for the ten ships of brave souls that stood against the odds and were victorious.
  Governance Veritas is known as the last free trading continent with no overarching power to dictate actions or enforce laws. Instead, a council of all land owners, over 500 citizens, is summoned to openly discuss issues with a vote of 80% of present members required to institute change. Items can only be presented once unless there are extreme circumstances, the circumstances also requiring a vote. Sessions frequently happen, with members floating in and out based on agenda. This system has proven itself unreliable at large-scale change and also functions more as a game with constant deals being made prior to any motion being placed forward.
  In place of formal laws, the common law governs the daily actions with events requiring a vote of present citizens. For example, suppose any action is taken to impede free will or harm another citizen. In that case, any council member can call for a vote using just the present individuals to recommend a fine or worse. This action occurs frequently and can range from the trivial, such as cheating at dice, to something more critical, like arson or murder. Despite this, no formal guard or military holds jurisdiction, making enforcement voluntary. Although, one who does not comply is branded as such, likely hurting future financial prospects.
  The Speaker The Speaker is as close to holding a political office or position of power and only can wield this limited power in the capital. The Speaker acts as the conduit between the council and the city to ensure that passed notions are implemented. The term is elected once every five years by popular vote with no term limit and has a history of frequent turnover. If voted out, that individual cannot put their name forward again.
  Despite having no formal political power, the citizens look to the Speaker for guidance and to leverage their influence with the council. As such, the Speaker is almost treated as a celebrity more than a political leader, their lives taken care of by the land owners who wish to remain in the Speaker’s good graces. The only true power comes from its designation as the Crescent caretaker, ensuring the force is maintained and positioned to protect the city. This function has heavily been debated as too much authority, but change to the authority has never cleared the council.
  The Crescent Militia Stood up to defend against emerging creatures of the Underdark and predatory animals raiding Coal Fell, the service plays no part in civil or economic affairs. Each soldier is paid by the council for fees collected from mining operations. Their housing, gear, and training are all self-procured. The militia is, however, recognizable by a small crescent moon pendant that they are required to wear while on duty. Unfortunately, it is common for these soldiers to moonlight as personal guards or muscle, which can blur the line of authority.
  Economics Veritas is a capitalist culture with haggling, quick selling, and aggressive tactics. Prices are never set or listed, as items cost what they do on any given day. This introduces the idea of shopping around and turning one merchant on another, a tactic that brings much joy to the consumer. While price gouging and supply and demand exist, a strict code of honesty exists, an item being exactly as advertised or the seller being labeled unreliable and ostracized.
  Due to the extreme conditions, yet thriving population, Veritas is the least self-reliant of all continents needing agricultural and water imports to survive. A majority of agriculture is imported from Doloran, a newer agreement fostered in good faith after the attempted invasion, which heavily favors Veritas. This relationship is vital as it can continue throughout the year, the path not blocked by icing in the coldest season.
  Water is imported from Irragin, a standing arrangement with the Skymarshal of Ningel. In return, Irragin receives the uncut gems, which, when powdered, are a primary ingredient in arcane infusions.
  Exports Coal. The capital Coal Fell is aptly named the crescent mountain range harboring the planet’s largest source of raw coal. Despite continuous mining for over 5000 years, the deposit seems vastly untapped. Due to the climate, coal is less highly sought after on Veritas, making it easy to export the surplus. This exchange alone provides more than enough equity to import vital resources.
  Diamonds and Gemstones. Dangerous to acquire, the breach into the Underdark afforded the large city deposits of rare gems and diamonds sought by the wealthy or arcane practitioners. Diamonds, a central reagent in powerful spell casting, particularly resurrection, are always in demand. In the spirit of Veritas, no party has a claim on any resource and must compete for all they obtain.
  Jeweler Expertise (Underdark Stones) Veritas’ access to gems was the foundation for master craftsmen to shape and polish raw material into the expensive jewelry found across the globe today. With the abundance in Coal Fell, gems can be purchased relatively cheaply; thus, apprentices seek the capital for craft training.
  Though not the only place to unearth gems, the Underdark Stones are now synonymous with wealth and superior craftsmanship.
  In Short Supply A common thread of life amongst all citizens is the lack of excess. Needed resources are expended quicker than imported, ensuring citizens constantly await the next shipment. Though Undercurrents are reliable, the current agreements and shipping vessels are slowly being dwarfed by the expanding population.
  Cities of Veritas Once the sand retook the masses, the remaining settlements resided on the few viable water sources available. This created isolated communities where routine travel is infrequent and only as needed. Unsure of what might await a caravan around the next sand dune, the traveler’s journey swift and light or under heavy guard protection. All cities attempt to be self-sufficient where able but still rely heavily on imports for survival.
  While styles differ significantly, the cities are designed to tolerate the heat, generally built around the primary water source. Sandstone and Irragin Redwoods adorn most structures, each equipped with solid foundations to combat shifting sands and collection rods to transfer heat to cooking surfaces.
  Markets are typically open-air with large veils that block the sun but allow the warm earth to filter through. No matter the city, the market is the lifeblood of a settlement, where all gossip spreads and all fortunes are made.

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