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Juiwia originates from the river valley of Nīwulá far east of the World Spine and Nalidin. Having quickly displaced the original belief system of the valley, the faithful believers next turned their gazes to the rest of the world. Trade routes reaching from Nīwulá Valley all the way to the Shining Cove and, by extension, the city of Dhuiduniu, allowed them access to the western continent of Nalidin.

Juiwia focuses on the relationship of opposites. Day and night, rain and sunlight, life and death. The followers believe that through the rivalry of extremes one can reach the core of balance, or the "Golden Path" as it is sometimes called.

Since its conception, the core faith of Juiwia has split many times, each sect with their own interpretation of the rules, how to reach that sacred balance, and how to guide others to it, among many other larger and minor differences of opinion. Nevertheless the very core of the faith, that of the worship of Sun and Moon and their various aspects, remains largely unchanged regardless of location or era.

Celestial Faith


Pronunciation: /juiˈwia/

Demonym: faithful
Adjective: juiwian

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