Air Ships Technology / Science in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Air Ships


The airships were once used as exploration vessels to find places to expand. However, as the influence of the Mustekala spread, the ships were either repurposed or newly built as leisure vehicles, similar to the cruise ships of our world, containing dining establishments, swimming pools, and entertainment.


The art of shipbuilding is a lost art. Once, the ships were built in every form and fashion, resembling old vessels, or styled in more modern designs. However, once the Mustekala lost their powers and the ability to make the ships fly, the building of the vessels ceased. In this day and age, they simply maintain and rebuild, rather than create.
Access & Availability
Air ships are controlled by the Mustekala in Keskus. They are the only ones who know how to use them.
The airships are powered by the power granted to the Mustekala by Pelatorem the Flying Goddess. In the older days, the Mustekala would use this power to run the portals, make the islands of Kieli fly, and power the air ships. The airships still have power, but there are no more being created. There are only a few that remain.
When the powers of Pelatorem the Flying Goddess were granted to the Mustekala  they soon discovered the ability to make objects fly. It started with small objects, but soon they began to apply it to larger objects, such as ships. Through practice, the art and design of flying ships became perfected.
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