Keskus Settlement in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Keskus is the heart of Lunautta. Everyone travels through it to visit other places around the world. It is a center for trade and tourism. The city is built around portals to other places in the world. They are scattered around the city and unique districts have grown from them.


While the portals have left the city somewhat vulnerable to potential attacks, the city itself is on an island that is entirely suspended in the clouds, making it completely inaccessible for most.

Industry & Trade

Keskus has a few different things that bring money into the city. The first is the University. Keskus is a huge center for knowledge, and that knowledge is spread to others in the world through the University. Another thing that brings money into the city is the portals. All of the portals are manned and require a toll to access, and that toll helps to support the city. The city is also is a huge tourist attraction. The areas around the portals have all taken on their own unique culture and have brought in things from their connecting cities. This has made it into a melting pot that showcases all of the unique aspects of the world. Many people travel here to take in all of the different cultures.


Keskus contains most of the portals in the world. Access to the portals has made them a center for trade and tourism.


When Keskus was established, it was a place of the Mustekala. It became a fairly large town. Then, the Mustekala received the power of Pelatorem the Flying Goddess, the ability to manipulate spacetime. With their newfound power, they took their island into the sky. Then they began traveling the world through temporary portals. Shortly thereafter, they began to build more permanent portals to the places that they frequently traveled and explored. The town grew into a city, and continued to grow, becoming the largest city on the planet. However, at some point, Pelatorem's power ceased and there was no longer any way to create new portals. Some of the portals failed and fell into disrepair. Today, the portals and the economy are stable, albeit without the convenience of Pelatorem's power.


Because of the nature of the city, tourists come from all over the world. Each district of the city, anchored to a portal, is reminiscent of it's attached city, so many people come to take in all of the different cultures. Depending on the area of town you are visiting, you may stay in a variety of different places. In some places there are quaint taverns and inns, in others, there are more impersonal large hotels. Every part of the city is slightly different.


The architecture in Keskus is also very variable based on the area of the city that you are in. In some areas, there are basic wooden structures. In others, there are buildings made from stone. In others still, there are structures made of metal and glass. The city attached to the portal in that district is a huge factor in the architecture that you will find in that area of the city.


Keskus is located on a floating island. The island is anchored in place using the power of Pelatorem. Rivers pour off of the side of the island, creating beautiful waterfalls. The island is large, so there are quite a few different areas. There are lush forests, tropical and deciduous. There are large areas that have been cleared for farmland. There are even some smaller mountains, hills, and caves.

Natural Resources

The areas around Keskus have a variety of resources, including lumber, produce, gems, and ore. The city itself brings in everything it needs from other places around the world.


  • Keskus
    Keskus is the hub of the world. It is the location of all of the portals and is highly influential in the world.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Sydan, Herz, Spil
1 million
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations

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