Mustekala Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Mustekala are octopus people. They have eight tentacles in place of legs, but their upper body is humanoid.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mustekala reproduce sexually. One of the male's arms is specially created to deliver sperm packets into the female. Mating can take a number of hours. About forty days after mating, the female produces a small string of eggs, usually between 5 and 10. She cares for them for five months, during which time she does not eat. Shortly after the eggs hatch, the female dies. The male dies within weeks of mating. Because of this, mating happens in the latter part of life. It happens after they hit sexual maturity, well into late adulthood, so some Mustekala do not even mate in their lifetime.

Growth Rate & Stages

Mustekala grow at a fairly rapid rate once they hatch. They reach adulthood after around 3 years. Their adult life lasts for roughly forty years until they hit sexual maturity, at which point, they mate and die.

Ecology and Habitats

Mustekala prefer to live in warm, wet climates. Although it is possible for them to live in other places, it is not ideal.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Males and females in mustekala society are seen equally. There are no advantages between one or the other. Color, on the other hand, is a huge indicator of status. Due to interbreeding throughout the millennia, there is a wide range of hues. A blue mustekala breeding with a yellow one, for example, may end up blue, yellow, or somewhere on the green spectrum, while a purple and pink pair may end up purple, pink, or a pink-tinted purple. Certain colors have more privileges than others, while some colors are considered little better than an animal.   Non-mating relationships are typically formed based on respect. The mustekala prize intelligence above all else, so they tend to respect those who are in possession of it. Relationships with others who they deem less intelligent often result in heated exchanges and occasionally violence.

Facial characteristics

The head of a mustekala has many attributes of a nautilus shell. A hard shell wraps from the center of the forehead around the back, forming a cavity where the large brain resides. Along the outside of this hard shell runs a series of chambers. There is also a hard set of horns attached to the shell which form a spiral. Along the side of the head is an orifice that expands and contracts which controls the breathing. There are no ear holes, the sound is picked up through the chambers of the outer shell that runs along the head. Their eyes are slightly enlarged, there is no nose, and they have a mouth very similar to a human mouth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mustekala are most concentrated in the city of Keskus. They have also spread across Lunautta, although in smaller numbers.

Average Intelligence

Mustekala are highly intelligent.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Male and female mustekala are viewed the same in society. Neither has an advantage over the other, they merely coexist peacefully.

Courtship Ideals

Mating is only done once in life, and the partner that is chosen is not chosen romantically. They decide on a partner based on their respect for them. Two mustekala who have reached sexual maturity at the end of their lives mutually agree to reproduce and then die.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are based on the amount of respect one has for someone because of desirable traits, such as intelligence. Romantic relationships are not a part of mustekala society, and in general, they find them to be odd. Intelligence and class are the basis for relationships. Lacking in either area can lead to strained relations.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The mustekala primarily speak Kieli, the common language of the world, because the language originated from them. However, they make it a point throughout their lives to learn a myriad of languages, including Illingua, the language of the gods. This has made them a powerhouse in the world because of their ability to communicate and translate effectively.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

In general, the mustekala are non-violent. They prefer to solve problems with words and wit, rather than resorting to such base actions. They are generally very straitlaced and a little bit pompous. They have a dour sense of humor, and rarely use jokes or the like.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The mustekala believe that they are the dominant species. They believe that their intelligence puts them above the rest of the sapient races. Although they would never resort to the killing or enslaving of any population, they still exert their dominance in other ways, through the use of the portals and as sources of much-needed knowledge around the world.
Scientific Name
Polypus sapientes
60 years
Average Height
5 - 6 ft
Average Weight
200 - 300 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The upper body of a mustekala is a light blue. However, the lower body and the upper shell can be a variety of colors.
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