Maatila Organization in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Maatila is a country filled mainly with humans. Although quite a large country, it is composed largely of farmland which it uses to deliver food throughout the world via portals.

Foreign Relations

Maatila and Kieli have long since developed a harmonious relationship. The culture from Keskus flowed into Maatila, influencing language, style, etc. Most importantly, they helped each other in commerce. Because of the portal located in the capital city, Maatila was able to ship its goods to the world through Keskus, growing fairly wealthy in the process.

Agriculture & Industry

Maatila is an agricultural powerhouse, boasting the largest area of worked land in the entire world. Various crops are the main production. However, there are also areas devoted to the raising of livestock.

Trade & Transport

All production is funneled into the capital city to be distributed to the rest of the world.
Geopolitical, Country
Major Exports
Various crops and livestock are exported by Maatila.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Myths

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