Sinlaake Material in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

Sinlaake is a glowing blue crystal found in large groups.  

Geology & Geography

It is found under the sea, in the town of Venalainen.

History & Usage


After its discovery, it was a while before it was found to be a hallucinogenic drug. Once its purpose was discovered, it began to be regularly used by many in the community. With that use came vivid visions of a woman made from stardust. She would give instructions on how to manipulate objects and space. The initial visions start with very basic instructions, but with continued use, the manipulations grow in complexity. This power was so important and revered that the crystal was kept secret from the rest of the world, and was only used among the Mustekala.


Sinlaake was discovered by the Mustekala. When exploring, they found the beautiful glowing blue crystal. For a time, they simply harvested from the area, but once its purpose was found, they relocated to Venalainen for easier access.

Everyday use

It is a hallucinogenic drug.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Sinlaake, besides being used as a recreational drug, is used to bring on visions of Pelatorem the Flying Goddess. It is during these visions that they are given portions of her power, the power of Translocation.


In order to be used, Sinlaake must be ground down and formed into a paste that is rubbed on the gums.  
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species

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