Venalainen Settlement in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Venalainen is an underwater city off the western coast of Vostochnyy.

Guilds and Factions

The Merchants' Guild is a collection of individuals who oversee all of the land trading. They frequently go to the surface - some even live there - and trade the goods from the city. The members of The Merchants' Guild are roundly considered to be the lowest class in society. Going to the surface and interacting with the land-dwellers is the most abhorrent task imaginable, and only those of the lowest status are desperate enough to do the job.

Natural Resources

Large crystals form in and around the city. These crystals are a hallucinogenic drug which allow the user to begin to harness the power of Translocation. The inhabitants have learned how to encourage the growth of the crystals, and harvest them regularly.


  • Venalainen
    Venalainen is an underwater city that is home to a large population of Mustekala.
Location under
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