Sudamen Lota and The Magic Pool Prose in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Sudamen Lota and The Magic Pool

Sudamen Lota was an explorer. At the time when the island of Kieli was still mobile, he captained Air Ships to find interesting places around the world where portals could be built. On one of his trips, he discovered a jungle island. It was a fairly small island and covered almost entirely by lush tropical vegetation. One area of the island, however, was open; a clear area of land surrounding a small pond of water. He and his crew disembarked near the pond with the intent to look for food and refill their water supplies.   Upon drinking some of the water from the pool, he and his crew experienced vivid visions about the gods. Afterward, when comparing the visions, they found that many of them were the same. Some had been given life advice, or shown locations where they could discover new power. Many kept those details to themselves.   Sudamen then declared the pond a religious siteand named it The Magic Pool. He forbade the crew from drinking any more of the water.   When they returned to Keskus, they kept the news of the pool between them, only sharing it with the governmental leaders. It was decided that the pool was too precious to be overrun with creatures, which often happened when a portal was placed. Instead, they would send a group of settlers to guard over and watch the pool and leave it accessible only by air ship. This island was later named Lumaa and became a place that many made a pilgrimage to every year.

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