

Akira is a small bird sized Draconis and companion to Nyla Octin. It has darkened scales of a greyed blue with wings of a lighter blue. Akira was born to be a protector for Nyla by Zosah as a way to aid and protect her in life. Having been created by the direct mana of Zosah herself, Akira possess the ability to manipulate ice mana.

Physical Description

Body Features

Akira features dark dulled blue scales with light blue wings and Icey blue eyes to match. Her elongated reptilian body is cold to the touch for most, and when she grows afraid or scared she begins to release a cold mist in a defense mechanism. Her tail features a larger set of icicles that she can use as weapons to pierce armor.

Special abilities

Frost Breath - Akira features the ability to breathe a cold Icey mist from its mouth instantly freezing most objects within its effect range. Growth - Akira possesses the ability to increase her size and take on a larger form roughly the size of a lion. In this form she grows much stronger and her abilities are more enhanced. But she cannot hold the form for extended periods of time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zosah grew a strong relationship with Ana Octin after aiding her in finding a hidden place to call home for herself and her daughter Nyla Octin. Over the years Nyla grew a close relationship with the cool Icey Draconis and found herself worshipping her as if she was her own deity. Zosah blessed Nyla with a portion of her powers as a means to protect herself, one fragment of this power was the birth of a Draconis egg that would soon hatch into Akira.
Current Residence
Icey Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Greyed Blue Scales