

The Elfar are a tall, thin and elegant Titanborn species of Shular. Aevoridge is the towering capital city of the Elfar, its soaring spires peaking high above the forest canopy that surround it. The Elfar are a very secluded people, having always sought of themselves as the highest and most regal of all the species, had kept their largest prize a true mystery from the outside world. A  



Religion and Tradition:

The Elfar people once worshipped their creator and patron, Shular, the Earth Titan.

Notable Words:

Elfar - the common name for an Elf
Pinnacle Elfar - High born - Noble, Royal, Elder
Lunaran - Tree Elf Defected away from the Pinnacle Elves.
Darklings are Not existent at this time(Darklings - derogatory name for dark elf
Dokkfar - Dark Elf name for themselves.)
Darufar - Woodelfs and the laborers.
Ignafar - The Magic focused elves in the Pinnacle.
Fellnir - Low born or exiled (Elves of Lunaris)
Meascenir - derogatory term for mixedborn. (Half-Elf)
Far being referred to as people
Nir being born.
In their language. Far can be more of a higher regard while using nir is derogatory.
So a Dokkanir could be the elf view on dark elves in a derogatory light. While the dark elves speak of themselves as Dokkafar.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Teen - 10 to 20
Young Adult - 20 to 80
Middle Age 80-200
Elder 200-300
After reaching an elder stage any elf becomes considered a pinnacle elf. Oldest elf is 312 and is the wisest and sought out for knowledge. He must be given an offering to return wisdom.
Average Height
Most Elfar are between six feet and seven feet tall. Few are smaller than this and even fewer are taller.