
swiftly   For many generations Aevoridge has been ruled by the descendants of the cities founders. Elandurill and Farrie Aevoridge, lovers and two of the eldest of their species. They settled within the lands of what is now known as Aevoridge. And only a descendant of their own has ever ruled the throne. But they do not hold supreme power, for Farrie respected their closest friends and allies and decreed that the eldest of the species shall hold power and title, establishing the Court of Farrie and effectively dubbing their brand of species Elfar.   Languages: Elvish, Common is taught to many of the soldiers for espionage against the other races. Ordinary citizens who infrequently leave the city are not required to understand the common tongue. The most prideful Pinnacle Elfar view the common tongue as an insult to be spoke openly within the city.  

Other Characteristics:

The city itself was created to have choke points from any outside groups wishing to raid it's walls. Magic was used to create a craterous mote around the city, effectively raising the central island it was built on far over the river. Various points of water fall from the city like waterfalls around it and water runs through the citadel itself and can be seen dropping like a waterfall out of the city and into the river below. In the very center of the city exists a magical tree, a pool of water directly behind it and running circular around the tree's safe keeping. This tree is considered the most holy object of the Kingdom. All Royal children are baptized in its waters blessing them with the magic of their Elfarian ancestors. The 100 yard circular area surrounding it contains a magic that causes anything planted to grow at an incredible rate, as was commonly blessed by the Titan's. Often used as a means of harvest or beauty. As anything picked will grow back within a day's time. After reaching an elder stage any Elfar becomes considered a pinnacle Elfar and is moved to the Court of Faries. The Grand Elder is 312 years old and the oldest living Elfar, seen as the wisest and most knowledgeable of their kin. One must give an offering when seeking their guidance or knowledge.  

Significant NPCs:

Candurill Aevoridge - Former King of Empire of Candria, deceased as of year 830 Aegon Aevoridge - Firstborn son to Candurill Aevoridge, presumed dead after his disappearance at the end of The Draconis War. Castien Aevoridge - Thirdbord son to Candurill Aevoridge and present Ruler of Empire of Candria Vandran Aevoridge - Bastard child to Candurill Aevoridge and present leader of Bamorian Council Luna Reign - Bride to be of Castien Aevoridge.  

Other NPCs:

Eldanurill Aevoridge - The founder of the Aevoridge location.
Farie Aevoridge - Wife of Eldanurill

Significant Locations:

The Pinnace - The tallest structure within Aevoridge and the home of their most important nobles. Hall of The Grand Court - The location where the King and the Court of Faries meet


The Empire of Candria and Aevoridge itself is led by the present King and Court of Farie, that consists of all Elfar elders. The King is the face of the Elfar people and is suceeded by their heirs, typically the youngest is given the helm of the crown.


Aevoridge is the eldest settlement of the Elfar within Shularix. It is the city first built within Shularix by the Elfar and as such is one of their most prized settlements. They view this land as a holy land, and especially the main structure and inner location. No Non-Elfar has ever stepped foot within the inner section and the Elfar intend to keep it that way, many superstitions believe the Elfar people will end the day that someone of non-Elfar blood walks their holy lands.
Alternative Name(s)
The Pinnacle
Location under
Included Locations