Magitek Oil

Magitek Oil is considered to be the most important invention of the new world. It gave Magitek a stable, renewable, and efficient power source. It is created from processing the Ambient Magic in monster bodies. This process produces Magitek Oil and Sludge. The purity of the oil is usually pretty low but it can be refined several times. Each time it produces higher purity and more Sludge.
The purity effects how well it burns in Magitek devices. The lower the purity, the lower the power output, and the more Sludge residue it leaves behind. The initial processing usually produces a purity around 35%. Repeated refining has diminishing returns and has never been able to push the purity much above 85%.   Most Magitek devices are rated for a specific purity range. Going below that range usually just cause it to fail but going above the range will cause great strain on the device and eventually result in irreparable damage.


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