Pact of the Free Shores Document in M'jørf | World Anvil
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Pact of the Free Shores

The following document stated the trilateral agreement on the terms of trade between the nations of Ambrosia, Im’ani and Maka-ke-Wakan. The Kingdom of Ambrosia, the Duchy of Im’ani and the Clan Kingdom of the Wakan agree to enter into a binding trade agreement for the length of 22 years. Any sanctions held between the nations will be lifted and shall not be put in place for so long as the treaty is in effect (with the exception of sanctions expressly stated in the treaty).
Following are the terms attached to this Pact of the Free Shores.
      1. The Kingdom of Ambrosia shall send out a monthly merchant caravan to the Clan Kingdom of the Wakan. It shall contain the following;      
  • 20 tonnes of pineapples
  • 80 tonnes of palm wood trees
2. The Kingdom of Ambrosia shall send out a monthly merchant fleet to the Duchy of Im’ani. It shall contain the following;  
  • 67 tonnes of bananas
3. The Clan Kingdom of the Wakan shall send out a monthly merchant caravan to the Kingdom of Ambrosia. It shall contain the following;
  • 8 tonnes of Irachi steel
  • 33 tonnes of wicker
4. The Duchy of Im’ani shall send out a monthly merchant fleet to the Kingdom of Ambrosia. It shall contain the following;
  • 18 tonnes of Sylvirian marble
  • 6 tonnes of Na’zon dates
5. The Duchy of Im’ani shall send out a monthly merchant fleet to the Clan Kingdom of the Wakan. It shall contain the following;
  • 20 tonnes of honey
6. All three sovereign nations shall ensure safe passage on the trade route within their and allied jurisdiction.
  Grounds for the termination of this treaty are as follows;
  1. Failure to deliver the agreed goods for 8 months consecutively without due excuse.
  2. Hostilities between the nations of Ambrosia, Im’ani and/or Maka-ke-Wakan of a physical nature.
  Signed,     Lyanne I Omanius
As sovereign of
The Kingdom of Ambrosia      Sanna I Clover
As sovereign of
The Duchy of Im'ani      Hendrike I Kedves
As sovereign of
The Clan Kingdom of the Wakan      Signed in Béke, on the 13th of Julio in the Year of the Beginning
Treaty, Trade
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
19th Juïn 1 KA
Ratification Date
13th Julio 1 KA
Expiration Date
13th Julio 23 KA


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