The Duchy of Im'ani Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Im'ani

The Duchy

The Duchy of Im’ani is a duchy in the delta of the Na’zon. The capital of the Duchy of Im’ani is Noxi. Their national animal is the crow. The citizens of Im’ani are the Im'ias. The ruling dynasty of Im’ani are the Clover. Their titles include Duke of Im’ani, Lord of Noxi, Keeper of the Peace and Son of Jyss’al the Farmer. Their current sovereign is the Duchess Sanna I Clover.

The Flag

The flag of Im’ani is one of the more curious flags in M’jørf. It consists of five loose strips of cloth tied to the flag-pole. The top strip is coloured black, in memory of the hardships and trauma’s undergone by the Im’ias. The second strip is red for the blood of the martyrs. Orange and white are the next colours; orange standing for the humble beginnings of the Im’ias as a low caste in Ardahan society and white for the peace, serenity and purity enjoyed by the people of Im’ani. Lastly the blue strip stands for the future ambitions of Im’ani, relating to the water of the Na’zon river delta and the sea.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system
Sylvirian Folli


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