The Clan Kingdom of the Wakan Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Clan Kingdom of the Wakan

The Clan Kingdom

The Clan Kingdom of the Wakan is a clan to the north of the Na’zon delta. The capital of the Clan of Maka-ke-wakan is Béke. Their national animal is the bumblebee. The citizens of Maka-ke-wakan are the Wakan. The ruling dynasty of Maka-ke-wakan are the Kedves. Their titles include King of the Wakan, Elder of Béke, Lord of the Fish and Head of the Council. Their current sovereign is the Queen Hendrike I Kedves.  

The Flag

The flag of Maka-ke-wakan is made up of two main parts; two strokes, equally wide, of yellow and blue. The top stroke is intersected with a black symbol. This is the black sunset of the darkest day, a day prophesied in the legends of the Wakan. The yellow stroke stands for the fields of grain, which are important for the Wakan. The blue is a symbol for the sea and the fisheries.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Clan of Maka-ke-wakan
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system


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