The Øttheldånakhi Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Øttheldånakhi

The Øttheldånakhi are the continental descendants of the original clan of Dånakhi. The Dånakhi were a small clan in the north of Valdir, caught between the Belle-runi to the west and The Kronian in the east. But weak leadership and blood feuds in the Kronian, complemented by the leadership of the Great Chieftain Gunthar Ossvenson compelled a great Dånakhi expansion to the sea. They drove hard and true and cleared most of the Kronian presence on Valdir. Only in the north-west The Haaglanders remained. The Dånakhi expanded further and colonised the Isle of Isen. Eventually the colony split from the now The Empire of Dånakhi. On the continent were born the Øttheldånakhi (the Old-Dånakhi) and the Islanders named themselves The Vykjavii. To this day a high animosity remains between the Øttheldånakhi and the Vykjavii, with Vykjavii raids frequent on Øttheldånakhi shores.


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