The Vykjavii Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Vykjavii

The Vykjavii are the colonial descendants of the Dånakhi (an original clan of Valdir). Long they lived under The Empire of Dånakhi but over the decades a desire for independence grew under the Vykjavii. They felt they were being held back by the old Dånakhi laws and traditions. In the Age of Rebellion a long, bloody and arduous war was fought. Thousands of Dånakhi and Vykjavii holumenn were lost to the sea. To these days The Øttheldånakhi (a derogatory term coined by the vengeful Vykjavii, meaning Old-Dånakhi, and now used as the universal demonym for the Dånakhi of the continent) refuse to recognise the sovereignty of Vykjavic and the Vykjavii. The Vykjavii in turn continue to raid the Øttheldånakhi coasts, which has brought many riches to the Isle of Isen.


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