The Empire of Dånakhi Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Empire of Dånakhi

The Empire

The Empire of Dånakhi is an empire in the north of Valdir, bordering the Hashin Mountains in the south. The capital of the Empire of Øttheldånak is Mätriste. Their national animal is the panda. The citizens of Øttheldånak are Øttheldånakhi. The ruling dynasty of Øttheldånak are the Tenebris. Their titles include Emperor of the Empire of Øttheldånak, Lord of Mätriste, Holder of the Key and High General of the Legions. Their current sovereign is the Empress Eline I Tenebris.

The Flag

The flag of the Empire of Øttheldånak depicts a white gull on a light blue triangular field. The triangular form of the flag signifies the cold, harsh and mountainous terrain of northern Valdir. The light blue finds its meaning within the streams of glacier meltwater and the coastal ice-waters. The white gull itself is one of the few species in M’jørf to persist in the freezing north.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Empire of Øttheldånak
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Northern Denars


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