The Kingdom of Avoxia Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Avoxia

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of Avoxia is a kingdom in the south of Valdir, with the Zaighin and their foothills making up most of the land. The capital of the Kingdom of Avoxia is Tibørr. Their national animal is a bear. The citizens of Avoxia are Avorah. The ruling dynasty of Avoxia are the Andarakh. Their titles include King of the Kingdom of Avoxia, Lord of Tibørr, Leader of all the Avorah and Lightholder. Their current sovereign is the King Thomas I Andarakh.

The Flag

The flag of Avoxia is equal parts blue and white. The white bisects the blue down the middle. The blue signifies the shores of the Zaighin foothills and the white signifies the peace and prosperity of the nation. In the top left corner is the Guldenweis, a flower native to the high mountains of the Zaighin mountain chain.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Avoxian Reichsdaelder


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