The Ißener Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Ißener

The Ißener were the first colony of the Duchy of Rafensburg. The crown of Rafensburg played a paramount role in the colonisation of Ißenaa, convincing thousands of The Jellan to leave their homeland and travel to the desert realm. In Ißenaa these, often fierce, royalists and traditionalists settled in communities of twenty to a hundred men. These communities were many but great distances separated them and to this day an Ißener's loyalty is first to his community and second to Ißenaa. Over the years the Jellan intermingled with the local The Sceirhan caravans and thus birthed the Ißener. Rafensburg slowly lost grip over Ißenaa after The Neldoman uprising and when the Ißener seceded Rafensburg pulled back its colonial troops without a fight.


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