The Neldoman Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Neldoman

The Neldoman were the later colony of the Duchy of Rafensburg though they seceded before The Ißener. The Neldoman are a far more violent and unruly people than the Ißener. The Jellan had colonised Neldom just a little after Ißenaa and as a result most of the proper citizens had already settled in Ißenaa or chosen to stay in the Duchy of Rafensburg. So instead the lower castes of Jellan society were sent to Neldom. In their effort to colonise Neldom, the Jellan came into frequent conflict with the local The Ardahan. When the Jellan of Neldom decided to secede from the Duchy of Rafensburg, they counted on Ardahan support. After the rebellion the Jellan and Ardahan intermarried and the Neldoman were born.


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