The Jellan Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Jellan

The Jellan are the second descendants of the clan of Kroatan. It was their expulsion by The Kroat over the Little Ösh that forced the Jellan into a rigorously different approach to life. The Jellan had little on the southside of the Little Ösh. To their north they had the river and to their south the Zaighin Mountains. But to their east lay the river basin and to the west lay the threat of The Kehsekai. To protect their homeland the Jellan expanded east along the river, territory they later lost over decades of war with The High Kingdom of Zaigos and The Archduchy of Ithana. In an attempt to secure the future of the Jellan they colonised the south-western desert of Venasahn in two colonies; Ißenaa and Neldom. Recently the western Jellan rose up in rebellion against the Duchy of Rafensburg. Now the Jellan are plit over two countries; The Republic of Jeili and The High Lordship of Rafensburg. The Rafensburger Jellan perceive tradition as their greatest virtue whereas the Jeili see their freedom as the virtue of most importance.

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