Dr Hallewell (Hal-ee-well)

Miriam Hallewell

Dr Hallewell is a Phase 1 Nanotype that was created by Neuronet. She had previously been working for Neuronet, but she was caught attempting to leak information so the organisation instead chose to put her through experimentation.
Hallewell escaped along with Osira, Thon, Amedea and Theophilia. She is now working on developments with improving future phases of Nanotypes.   Her nanobots give her slight increased intelligence as well as the ability to camoflague into her surroundings.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Hallewell is usually seen wearing a long white coat and black trousers, boots and gloves.

Mental characteristics

Education & Employment

Hallewell had good grades in school, having a degree in Neuroscience. She was eventually hired by Neuronet as one of the scientists working on Project Nanotide.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Enthusiastic - Hallewell gets very excited when talking about her research and developments.
  • Calm - Hallewell is usually in a level-headed mood, and things don't really get to her.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Pessimistic - Hallewell struggles to see the bright side of things and is usually in a downer mood.
  • Masochist - After being experimented on, Hallewell gained a bit of a masochistic streak.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Reading - Hallewell enjoys reading in her spare time. She also like being read to as well as it helps her sleep.
  • Researching - Hallewel finds that she's most happy when she is studying or researching into a project.


  • Outside - Hallewell doesn't think much of the outdoors, and prefers to be inside working.


Family Ties

Dr Hallewell misses her family, but understand it's unlikely she'll see them again.

Other Relationships

  • Thon - Hallewell gets along with Thon, and finds him to be very helpful with her work.
  • Osira - Hallewell believes that Osira has some good ideas and isn't too bothered when she gets yelled at.
  • Amedea and Theophilia - Hallewell isn't sure what to make of the two, however she feels like she's responsible with looking after them.
33 (Neuronet)
Date of Birth
18th March 2517nb
Long black hair, ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Grey


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